Monday 10 March 2014

Five Things 50/52

It's crazy how much can change in a week! 7 days and our lives have changed yet again and I am not sure its for the better! Last Monday we got a letter in the post stating that the apartment that we have been living in for the past three years is getting repossessed by the banks from our Landlord as he has not been keeping up payments on the mortgage (god only knows what he has been doing with our rent every month!) and we have 20 days to leave the apartment! Cue lots of tears, stress and viewing lots of different places! We haven't found anything yet, and I am not willing to pay €1000 a month on a crappy hole of a house in the middle of nowhere! We do have one option that we have being thinking of my parents are willing to let us stay in there house for a few months while we save for a deposit for a mortgage! So in 12 days we will say goodbye to our little one bedroom apartment that has become our home, we became a married couple while living here, got pregnant and had a little boy...its so bitter sweet! Found it hard to find five things this weekend but here they are:

This little guy fast sleep after a long walk in the park 
to try clear my head and think of our options of where to live.

 Me and my little Oisín at a Christening on Saturday, 
he loved looking at all the children dancing to music!

Oisín and the Christening girl Ella
Ella is four months old, Oisín is just ten weeks old and look at the size of him!
Also don't think he looks very amused in that pic!

Oisín and his cousin Jemma such a cute pic x

Myself and the hubby had our first night out since Oisín was born
On Saturday Oisín stayed with his Auntie Michelle and we got a much needed night out
However I did race down to collect him Sunday morning I missed him so much!

So that's my five things this weekend what's yours?

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