Monday 30 June 2014

Bump To Baby - He's Here - 6 Month Update

 Oisín at six months old! He is getting so big!

He loves his new door bouncer!

He now loves to stand when I have him sitting on my lap 
he tries to pull himself up so he can stand!
He eats allot more solid food and loves homemade food
He has started wearing some 9-12 month clothes!
Oisín now rolls around all the time!
How Many Months Old?: 6 Months

Weight & Height?: He is in 6-9 month clothes! Not sure of his height and weight but we have a check up soon, so we will know for next months update

How Is Baby Eating?: Like I have said before Oisín really loves his food! He now has move food and less milk. His new favourite is homemade pasta and tomato sauce he really enjoys that. He also loves bananas and strawberries!

How Is Baby Sleeping?: He is still sleeping through the night, he goes to bed around 7.30pm and wakes for his first bottle around 6.30am. He goes back to sleep for around an hour and is up for the day at 8am or so. He cat naps during the day with around three 20 minute naps through out the day.

Is Baby Crawling or Walking Yet?: He isn't crawling yet but he loves being on his belly and trying to move around! 

Is Baby Talking Yet?: No

How is Baby's Routine?: Oisín's routine is more or less the same as the past couple of months. He drinks less milk and eats more. He gets up earlier in the morning and goes to bed earlier in the evening, which happened in the past couple of weeks. Other than that it's more or less the same.

How is Mammy & Daddy this Month?: We are getting used to our new routines as I went back to work a few weeks ago so it's taking awhile for us to get used to it. I do feel allot more tired but I'm sure I will get used to it!

Worst Moment Of the Month?: To be honest I can't remember a worst moment this month!

Best Moment Of the Month?: Watching Oisín and Paul on Paul's first ever Father's Day is was a beautiful day and one I wasn't sure I'd ever see.

Things That Made Me Say Yeah 3/52

I keep forgetting to post my Things that made say Yeah!! I have lots of half finished posts that haven't got published yet! So I will try again!
Here is what made me say yeah this weekend:

Having a little joint celebration of birthdays! It was my Dad's 70th last weekend and my Uncle's 50th this weekend so we had allot of family time this weekend.
Paul made a fabulous roast pulled pork dinner which I forgot to get a picture off as we where all to busy tucking in to stop and take pictures!! Everyone enjoyed it and we are finishing it off today buy having pulled pork taco's today....yummy!

Watching Oisín as he gets to know all our family he is so cute doesn't make strange to anyone
He loves meeting new people and loves my Goddaughter Laura May! I love family time so much and
am so blessed to have an amazing family.

I took this picture this morning but Oisín love his door bouncer all weekend its his new favourite thing!
How cute is this little guy!

What a lovely weekend....lots of things to make me say yeah!

Friday 27 June 2014

My Week In Pictures 6/52

Another week gone, how the time is flying by! We got more bits and pieces done to our new home this week. We are slowly starting to get use to our new routine with me back in work, and child minding duties switching between my Mam and Husband (when he is on the late shift). It does slightly feel that myself and the hubby are like ships pasting in the night at the moment as we are not getting to much time together but I sure that it will just take time to adjust to our new busy routine.
Look at that cheeky face how I love it!

Believe it or not my Dad was 70th today! For his birthday my Mam brought him to Scotland for a break away, which he loved, we had a family dinner and drinks. I took this lovely picture this evening.
My Dad bought this Manchester United football kit for Oisín when he was just two days old!
It finally fits him and how cute it is too!
This little cutie couldn't get enough of some home made pasta with tomato sauce
as you can tell because it's all over his face!
After a bit of a hellish day at work and a teething baby this was just what
I needed!
Not going to lie, hats off to all working Mums and especially those who work full time
I only work four days a week and only 40 hours a week so I am only part-time
But man is it tiring! So home made lattes are what fuels me at the moment especially towards the end of the week!
My beautiful blue eyed boy is six months old today!
Time is going by so fast...can I just press pause for a little while please!

Sunday 22 June 2014

My Week In Pictures 5/52

This week went by so quick!! Summer is offically here! I went back to work so it was all change in our house hold here is my week in pictures:

This is our new motto in our house!

Father's Day love, these two are so cute together.

Last Game of Thrones night until next year!! What will I do Monday nights now?

After eight months off work I went back to work this morning.
I am not going to lie it was really hard leaving this little guy
I had tears in my eyes walking out the front door
but I shouldn't have worried Granny looked after this guy so well!

Watching late night World Cup with the hubby!

Family catch up time with my Goddaughter Laura May and Oisín

Friday night drinks! 

Sunday 15 June 2014

My Week In Pictures 4/52

Here is what we got up to this week! We done allot of home improvements this week!

A very nice way to spend a Saturday evening, a cold glass of rose and some Fleetwood Mac on the TV...bliss!

How cute is this little boy! Oisín all ready for the Dublin GAA match!

Game of Thrones time I really love this show not sure what am I am going to do
when this over next week.

This little one makes early mornings so worth it!

Oisín met his cousins from America this week, and totally fell in love with this picture

I had a meeting at work today, I start back next week
so Granny was looking after Oisín  he will be crawling in no time!


Late night football and wine with the hubby!

Monday 9 June 2014

Things That Made Me Say Yeah 2/52

Here is what made me say yeah this weekend

This little face eating his breakfast he is so cute and loves his food!

These two melt my heart...if they are like this now I can only imagine what a team they are going to make when Oisín is older!

Watching Fleetwood Mac on TV and drinking a nice cold glass of rose! 
Things that didn't make me say yeah this weekend was the unsettled weather we are getting in Dublin...come on Ireland where is summer!?

Sunday 8 June 2014

My Week In Pictures 3/52

Another week gone and our first in our new home.
So far we are settling in well, here is my week in pictures!

Our first morning in our new home! Oisín didn't sleep great at all Friday night I think he knew it was a new place!

Our Sky hadn't been set up yet we had to wait until Wednesday for the moving guys to move our package over. So this is us drinking wine and watching lots of DVDs over the weekend!

Poor little mite teething is taking allot out of him. I feel so sorry for him wish I could swap and take the pain for him

Our new place is slowly starting to take shape!

We finally got our wifi up and running!

Catching up with Monday night's Game of Thrones...the hubby and I where in shock at the end of the episode! This show just gets better and better!

Friday night naughty dinner after Oisín had gone to bed!

Wednesday 4 June 2014

My Week In Pictures 2/52 - 24/05/14

This is late this week as we moved into our new home last Friday and didn't have any WiFi until today! Its been a busy few day unpacking and settling in, but I think we are slowly getting there!

A glass of wine after the little fella went to bed on Saturday night while my Dad and hubby watched the Champions League football match.

This little man is so funny this was Sunday morning and he has now started to try take the spoon of me when I am feeding him he has a little independent strike and wants to do things himself!

Since there was no Game of Thrones on TV tonight I finished this book the third book in the series. A Storm of Swords I am in a bit of a dilemma on wether to contuine with the books as I am now up with to the TV series and if I contuine reading I will over take the TV show and I don't think I want to know what happends next!

Sleeping at last! Poor Oisín is teething badly this week he also has a little cold and cough. He hasn't been sleeping well at night so he is on Tuesday sleeping during the day which is usual for him!

My tenth cup of coffee after a tough morning and night with Oisín teething 

Another morning of coffee and more coffee poor Oisín is teething terrible.

New shoes make everything okay! I love nice wedges in the summer time, pity I haven't got to wear them since as the weather took a turn for the worse!

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