Wednesday 4 June 2014

My Week In Pictures 2/52 - 24/05/14

This is late this week as we moved into our new home last Friday and didn't have any WiFi until today! Its been a busy few day unpacking and settling in, but I think we are slowly getting there!

A glass of wine after the little fella went to bed on Saturday night while my Dad and hubby watched the Champions League football match.

This little man is so funny this was Sunday morning and he has now started to try take the spoon of me when I am feeding him he has a little independent strike and wants to do things himself!

Since there was no Game of Thrones on TV tonight I finished this book the third book in the series. A Storm of Swords I am in a bit of a dilemma on wether to contuine with the books as I am now up with to the TV series and if I contuine reading I will over take the TV show and I don't think I want to know what happends next!

Sleeping at last! Poor Oisín is teething badly this week he also has a little cold and cough. He hasn't been sleeping well at night so he is on Tuesday sleeping during the day which is usual for him!

My tenth cup of coffee after a tough morning and night with Oisín teething 

Another morning of coffee and more coffee poor Oisín is teething terrible.

New shoes make everything okay! I love nice wedges in the summer time, pity I haven't got to wear them since as the weather took a turn for the worse!

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