Tuesday 27 May 2014

Bump To Baby - He's Here - 5 Month Update

 Oisín at five months old (breakfast all over his face!)

Trying to feed himself he will keeps trying to take the spoon of me 
when I am feeding him breakfast!

Oisín can now roll from back to belly 
(which is unusual as most babies start from belly to back!)
He has two bottom teeth and one top tooth starting to cut through his gum
He can sit unaided for a few seconds!
He has now started to want to hold his spoon and bottle when feeding

How Many Weeks Old?: 5 Months

Weight & Height?: He is in 6-9 month clothes!

How Is Baby Eating?: Oisín really loves his food! He is mostly the same as last month, but he is now having solids at lunch time too. So now he has porridge, baby rice or puree fruit for breakfast, a half a jar of solids at lunch and either the other half the jar at dinner or sometimes I will blend up whatever we are having for dinner. He has also cut down on his bottles, his first and last bottle of the day are 8ozs but during the day he only takes 6oz bottles now with water in between. He has now started trying to take the spoon of me when eating and try to feed himself!

How Is Baby Sleeping?: He still sleeps through the night he goes to bed around 7.30-8.30pm and wakes around 6 or 7am. He cat naps during the day with around three 20 minute naps through out the day.

Is Baby Crawling or Walking Yet?: No not yet!

Is Baby Talking Yet?: No but he has started to blow raspberries at everyone!

How is Baby's Routine?: Is the same as last months but I expect this to change in the next weeks when I go back to work.

How is Mammy & Daddy this week?: Very tired as teething went up a gear this week. Oisín is cutting two teeth and has also a cold so he hasn't been sleeping well at all this week so we are going around very much like zombies! We are also happy to me moving into our new home this weekend.

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Last night when Oisín work also every hour with teething pains and now he has come down with the sniffles and a cough poor thing.

Best Moment Of the Week?: Getting our new home which we move into fingers crossed on Saturday :)

Monday 26 May 2014

Things That Made Me Say Yeah This Weekend 1/52

Another new blog post that I have thought of doing for a while but only got around to it now! Every Monday I hope to post things that made be happy (say yeah!) over the weekend. Here is what made me say yeah this weekend:

Watching these two play after the Hubby came home from work on Saturday evening. Oisín was so happy to see his Daddy and even though he was tired and ready for bed Oisín laughed and played with Daddy for almost an hour. My heart melts looking at how much these two love each other.

A lovely glass of Pinot Grigio after the baby went to bed Saturday night
Another thing that made me think yeah was....the bright evenings even though it was grey and rainy it didn't get dark here till 10pm the weekend.
A thing that didn't make me say yeah this weekend was the horrible rainy weather we had here all weekend where is the Summer?

Saturday 24 May 2014

My Week In Pictures 1/52

Now that Oisín is almost five months I am going to try get back on track blogging. Here the first of a new blogging series I am going to do My Week in Pictures 1/52:

 We went to a Holy Communion on Saturday it was our neighbour's Granddaughter's special day so they had a party for her. It was a lovely day the sun shone, Oisín wore a lovely little sailor suit and my favourite bib Thank Heaven For Little Boys.

 I found this little monkey trying to pull the toys of his playmat on Sunday!

 My favourite me time of the week, glass of white, chocolate and Game of Thrones! 

 I have really got back into reading and enjoying the Game of Thrones series. I finished the second book on Tuesday called A Clash of Kings.

Oisín is really loving his solids, this is on Wednesday when he was really enjoying his lunch!

 After ten weeks of living with my parents we finally found a nice place of our own. We celebrated with a glass of prosecco on Thursday night!

 After a busy morning of getting things sorted to move into our new place next week, this was heaven! Bacon and egg on tiger bread!

My grumpy little man this morning! He is so stylish with his vans and cute top!

So that my first week in pics, hope to do this every Saturday..lets see how that goes!

Friday 16 May 2014

Oisín Christening

On the 26th of April our little boy was Christened we had an amazing day.
Here are some pictures

Paul, Oisín, Myself and Oisín's Godparents Michelle and Jamie
Myself, Michelle and Oisín
My Dad, Michelle, Oisín, My Mam and My Mother In-Law Bibi

Oisín with his two Grandmothers
Granny, Oisín and Nanny B
Michelle Furey, Oisín, Ella, Jemma and Conner

Conner, Oisín and Paul
The Furey Men
Jamie, Conner, Oisín and Paul

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Bump To Baby - He's Here - 4 Month Update

Oisín on his Christening day - 4 Months Old

How Many Weeks Old?: 4 Months & 2 Weeks

Weight & Height?: Not sure but he weight over a stone at his 4 month check up (he is a chubby little guy!) He is in 6-9 month clothes!

How Is Baby Eating?: We started him on solids just over a week ago and he loves them! He still loves his milk bottles but he now has porridge in the mornings and some solids at dinner time too!

How Is Baby Sleeping?: We are so blessed to have a little baby who has been sleeping straight through the night since he was two months old! He goes to sleep around 8pm - 8.30pm every night and doesn't wait until 6am or 7am in the morning!

Is Baby Crawling or Walking Yet?: No not yet but he has started rolling and he thinks its very funny!

Is Baby Talking Yet?: No 

How is Baby's Routine?: We have settled into a really good routine here is our normal routine:
6 or 7am Oisín wakes for his first bottle always in great form full of smiles, he has an 8oz bottle and then goes back to sleep.
10 or 11am Oisín wakes again! I dress him for the day and give him a 7oz bottle
11.30am He has some breakfast its either porridge, baby rice or strawberries and banana puree
12-2pm We play, do house work together, go for walks, or what ever else we need to do that day! Oisín will have a little cat nap in-between. He doesn't sleep much during the day!
2 or 2.30pm Oisín has another 7oz bottle
3-4pm He plays again and will have another cat nap!
4.30 or 5.30pm He has some dinner he loves vegetables and will eat any vegetable puree he has a small bottle of cooled boiled water with his solids.
6.30-7.30pm He plays again he loves his play mat and sometimes even falls asleep on it!
7.30-8.30pm Oisín gets ready for bed, every second night he has a bath which he now loves and he loves splashing around! He gets his pyjamas on, has a 8oz bottle and is normally asleep but 8.30pm.

How is Mammy & Daddy this week?: We are doing good, we just got home from a small break away to Co Mayo, my parents babysit for the two days. It was a lovely break away but I was so glad to get home to our little guy! I go back to work in two weeks....so not looking forward to it!

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Oisín crying with his teeth tonight....he cheeks where so red and he took so long to fall asleep. I hate teething and seeing him in pain.

Best Moment Of the Week?: Getting back for our break away and seeing his little face light up when he saw us x

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