Friday 31 January 2014

Bump To Baby - He's Here - 5 Weeks Old

I'm Five Weeks Old Today!

- Oisín is losing his newborn hair, and going a fair/reddish colour!
- He has started to sleep six hours a night
- Is more alert and likes to sit and look at the world around him!

How Many Weeks Old?: 5 Weeks

Weight & Height?: Not sure but we have a six week check up next week so will get him weighted and measured then

How Is Baby Eating?: One thing about our little man he loves his food! He is a little milk monster and has a bottle every 3/4 hours during the day

How Is Baby Sleeping?: He sleeps between most feds during the day and is now going 6 hours before waking at night which is great! He does sometimes fight sleep which I think is crazy I have never seen a five week old fight sleep before but he does! His little eyes go all red when he fights sleep!!

Is Baby Crawling or Walking Yet?: Nope too early yet!

Is Baby Talking Yet?: To himself he loves to make little noises when he is awake! 

How is Baby's Routine?: His routine is going well, during the day when hubby is in work myself and Oisín are getting into a little routine after the morning bottle Oisín tends to go straight back asleep this is when I get my housework done, next bottle he like to play for a bit then back to sleep. Every second or third night we give Oisín a bath which helps him relax and go to sleep for the night.

How is Mammy & Daddy this week?: We are getting there and learning about our little man every day. I am feeling good and am getting into a daily routine with Oisín which is good. I am slightly tired and cranky at night but I am getting there. We are both looking forward to Oisín getting his vaccinations when we can then bring him outside a little more.

Worst Moment Of the Week?: On Thursday night when Oisín was badly constipated and he was crying his little eyes out because of it. I felt so helpless to do anything I spent hours trying to get him to drink water, massaging his little belly and doing the bicycle with his legs he finally had a little poo, but it broke my heart seeing him in so much pain.

Best Moment Of the Week?: Just waking up this his beautiful like face every morning and watching him get more and more alert.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

January Sales Haul

The other weekend we went shopping in the January sales and had to much need retail therapy! Here is what we bought!

Large Garden Sweet Pea Yankee Candle - Homestore & More €14.99
100 Tea Candles - Dunnes Stores €5
Black & Gold Shade - Yankee Candle Store €15
Petal Bowl Tart Warmer - Yankee Candle Store €8.66
Gold & Black Shade - Yankee Candle Store €15
Garden Breeze Drawer Scent - Yankee Candle Store €2
Baby Power Tarts - Yankee Candle Store €2 each
Snow In Love Tarts - Yankee Candle Store €1.50 each
Vanilla Chai Tarts - Yankee Candle Store €2 each
Small Pink Sands Candle - Yankee Candle Store €6.99
That should keep me going in candles for a while!

Household Items:
Paul Costello Gold Rim Wine Decanter - Dunnes Stores €20
Two Bone China Floral Mugs - Dunnes Stores €6 each
Mum's Wine Glass/Goodnight Kids Hello Wine - Easons €9.99

Guess How Much I Love You Book & Rabbit - Easons €6.99
Red & Navy Dungaree Outfit - Dunnes Stores €18
Brown Shoes - Dunnes Stores €3
Blue Trainers - Pumpkin Patch €6.99

More Oisín:
Orange & Navy Coat - Pumpkin Patch €25.99
Orange & Navy Top - Pumpkin Patch €9.99
Orange, Navy & Grey Waist Coat - Pumpkin Patch €12.99

For Me:
Purple Floral Dress - A-wear €10
Daisy Black Dress - A-wear €10

For Me:
Black River Island Bag - River Island €36
(To go with the red River Island bag hubby bought me for Christmas)

So that our big January Sales haul! Did you get any nice in the sales?

Tuesday 28 January 2014

A Picture A Week Of Our Little Oisin 4/52

A picture a week of our little man growing up.
Not sure Daddy is going to like this Mammy!
This is what happens when Mammy follows Man United and Daddy follows Liverpool!!

* my blog posts have been delayed and late due to our laptop breaking it can't be repaired so we have to get a new one :(
So using my phone for now!

Sunday 26 January 2014

Sunday Picture 4/52

This is our Sunday Picture
I swear it wasn't me that kept you up all night!!

Thursday 23 January 2014

A Picture A Week Of Our Little Oisín 3/52

A picture a week of our little man growing up.
This little one is losing his newborn hair, so he had little bald patches like his Grandad's!! He is also going blonde!

Sunday 19 January 2014

Sunday Picture 3/52

This is our Sunday Picture
My Goddaughter meeting my son for the first time, what a lovely moment...
Me, Laura May and Oisín

Thursday 16 January 2014

Bump To Baby - He's Here - 3 Weeks Old

Oisín at 3 weeks old!
His Newborn hair is starting to fall out & change colour!
- Oisín is out grown his newborn clothes!! He is now in 0-3 clothes, some of them are still a little too big!
- He found his crying voice this week!
- He is starting to sleep up to 5/6 hours a night!
- He is losing his new born baby hair :(

How Many Weeks Old?: 3 Weeks

Weight & Height?: Not sure as he wasn't weighted this week, but he is out growing his newborn sleepsuits and babygrows already! 

How Is Baby Eating?: He is eating great, he is down to a bottle every 3 & half to 4 hours during the day and two feeds during the night, one at around 12/1am and one at 5/6am which is alot better than what it was!

How Is Baby Sleeping?: He is sleeping great, but still wants to stay awake at that 5am feed when Mammy and Daddy's eyes are hanging out of there head!

Is Baby Crawling or Walking Yet?: Nope too early yet!

Is Baby Talking Yet?: Still to himself, he is not much of a crier, so he makes grunts, gurgles and noises to let you know if he is not happy! He did find his crying voice this week when he want a feed a hour to early and screamed the place down until I gave it to him!

How is Baby's Routine?: His routine at the moment is basically feed, sleep, change nappy, wake, feed, sleep, change nappy!!

How is Mammy & Daddy this week?: Paul went back to work this week, so it was back to normal for Paul and all change for me! The first two days where a bit of a nightmare for me I felt shattered and it was these days that Oisín found his crying voice and I felt like I was doing everything wrong! Paul works shifts so I found the 2pm/10pm shifts hard it felt like Paul was gone forever and I really missed that shoulder to cry on!! But by Thursday I was feeling so much better (maybe it was because I am finally fitting back into some of my pre-pregnancy clothes!) and Oisín and I had got into a good routine. So bring on next week...onwards and upwards!

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Wednesday when Paul was on a late shift in work, Oisín wouldn't settle all day and then decided to throw up all over me! I felt terrible like I was doing something wrong but the next day was so much better so I guess it's all trial and error and learning every day.

Best Moment Of the Week?: It might be a bad habit but Oisín has took to fall asleep on my chest after a feed. It's great bonding time for us and I just sit there and look at him for hours! 

Wednesday 15 January 2014

What I Ate Wednesday

So this is my first What I Ate Wednesday, also because my gestational diabetes is gone for now (have a test in 4 weeks to make sure) I am back to my normal diet! So here is what I ate today:

Hubby let me lie on (as he is was on the late shift tonight) and I had breakfast in bed it was pancakes and tea!

Today lunch was a ham, cheese and coleslaw sandwich with some crisps, a chocolate and a cup of tea!  

Hubby was working late today so dinner for me was a ham, cheese, tomato salad and a bottle of water

I had some lovely chocolate this evening with a small glass of red wine!

Tuesday 14 January 2014

A Picture A Week Of Our Little Oisín 2/52

A picture a week of our little man growing up!
My little son sleeps like his Mammy! He sleeps just like me with his mouth wide open!

Monday 13 January 2014

Five Things 46/52

Happy Monday everyone!! We had a bad night with our little man last night so my eyes are hanging out of my head! It's all worth it to look at my little boy's sleepy face now! This weekend was a lovely one, we went shopping, had visitors and went to my parents for dinner. Here are Five Things:

Oisín meeting his Auntie Michelle and cousins

Mammy and Son...I felt so good on Saturday morning after a lie on, coffee and a bath, wish I felt like that today!

Went shopping and bought myself some treats in the sales!

Cuddles with Granny how this little man loves them!

This little guy kept Mammy and Daddy up all night, but how can you be mad at this little face!

So that's five things for this week whats yours?

Sunday 12 January 2014

Sunday Picture 2/52

This is our Sunday Picture
Granny's pride and proud bringing her little Grandson on a trip out to do some clothes shopping!

Saturday 11 January 2014

Bump To Baby - He's Here - 2 Weeks Old!

Oisín at two weeks old
Mammy & Son
- Oisín had his two week check up this week all went well
- Doctor was very happy with his process
- He has put on another 2ozs since last week and his now 7lbs and 8ozs
- He opens his eyes alot more since last week!

How Many Weeks Old?: 2 Weeks 1 days old

Weight & Height?: He is 7lbs 8ozs 

How Is Baby Eating?: He loves his feeds and its a struggle to get him not to drink his bottles too quick, cause he then gets full of wind! He is still getting fed during the day every three hours and is taking three ozs in his bottle. During the night we are trying to stretch out his feeds to twice a night but we will see how we get on with that!

How Is Baby Sleeping?: He is a great little sleeper! He sleeps alot of the time as newborns do! He still likes to stay awake after the early morning feed of 3/4 in the morning!

Is Baby Crawling or Walking Yet?: No too early yet!

Is Baby Talking Yet?: To himself lots of grunts and noises out of him!

How is Baby's Routine?: We are still trying to get into a little routine it's still early days, but we have noticed he likes a bath and feed in the evening time, that normally makes him sleep for a few hours after.

How is Mammy & Daddy this week?: We had a hard week this week. I think we where both tired and had something on almost everyday this week. We registered Oisin's birth, had doctor and hospital appts, had visitors, went to see the Grandparents, so maybe we done too much but by this weekend we both got some sleep and felt much better. We are slowly getting the hang of late feeds and changes, our lives have totally changed but for the better!

Worst Moment Of the Week?: When after one feed at 4am I couldn't get his wind up, almost an hour later it still wouldn't come up. I felt terrible but we got there in the end, the health nurse said to try some warm water in between feeds as she thinks its too early to try infacol. If he is still windy in at a month old she recommend to change bottle formula.

Best Moment Of the Week?: Every morning waking up to see our beautiful son's face. To see how much he has grown in the past week already. He met his Aunt and cousins for the first time this week which was also a lovely moment.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

A Picture A Week Of Our Little Oisín 1/52

A picture a week of our little man growing up!
This little man loves cuddles with Daddy and fell asleep on him like this last night!

Monday 6 January 2014

Five Things 45/52

Hi everyone hope your weekend was good! Christmas was wrapped up and put away this weekend! We had a nice weekend still adjusting to having a newborn in the house and getting used to this lack of sleep! Here is our Five Things from the weekend:

Getting lots of visitors to see our little man he is so loved and we are so grateful to have wonderful, neighbours, friends and family.

Giving our little boy his first bath, it was a little nerve racking for Mammy and Daddy, but he loved it!

Our first trip to Starbucks as a threesome!

My first bit of chocolate in over four months and I really, really, enjoyed it!

We think it was wind but we got this little smile off Oisín over the weekend, wind or not its very cute!!
***The last picture was took on New Years Eve lack of sleep made me mistake it for this weekend!

Sunday 5 January 2014

Sunday Picture 1/52

Saw a few people doing this so thought I would join in!
Oisin's first bath tonight he was so good and never cried. He looked like he quite enjoyed it!

Bump To Baby - He's Here - 1 Week Old!

Oisín at 20 minutes old!
Oisín one week old
- Oisín Patrick Furey was born on the 27th December 2013 at 1.42pm he weighted 7lbs 3ozs
- He has blue eyes (which could change) and lots of dark hair
- His eye sight will be still fuzzy for the next couple of weeks but he loves to look at you when he is feeding
- So far he doesn't really cry he makes little noises and grunts to let you know he is not happy!
- He has put on 3ozs since birth so he is now 7lbs 6ozs

How Many Weeks Old?: 1 Week 2 days old

Weight & Height?: He is 7lbs 6ozs not sure of his height will ask nurse when out on Tuesday

How Is Baby Eating?: He is eating really well and really loves his food! Breast feeding wasn't for me so Oisín is being bottle fed every 3/4 hours and is taking 3/4 ozs of milk each feed. We had a tricking day yesterday when he had bad wind but we got through it and he is great today.

How Is Baby Sleeping?: He is sleeping great during the day and mostly good during the night, but there is one feed at 3am that he likes to stay awake for hours after! He was a night owl in the womb think he might be like that on the outside too!

Is Baby Crawling or Walking Yet?: No too early yet!

Is Baby Talking Yet?: To himself maybe he loves to make little noises, gurgling and grunts!

How is Baby's Routine?: We are still getting into a routine with him, he is still so new and everything is trial and error

How is Mammy & Daddy this week?: It has been a whirlwind week a total roller coaster! We went through the first couple of days on cloud nine, then we got lots of visitors and that drained me! We went on our first day out with Oisín which I took on too much and my ankles swelled up to balloons and the nurse had to be called out! Now we are slowly getting into a routine and taking it a little bit easier. Paul has another week off from work which I am really grateful for so we have some more time to get our routine a little smoother before he goes back to work. We are both a little shattered but we are still floating on air at the moment!

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Yesterday when I got a touch of the baby blues and Oisín had trapped wind which no matter what we done didn't get better.

Best Moment Of the Week?: Bringing this little man into the world. The labour was fast and sore my pain relief only kicked in after he was born as the actually labour went so fast but I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Our world has changed so much in 7 days I can't imagine our life with out him.

Thursday 2 January 2014

What We Got Up To This Month - December 2013

Hey Everyone wow, can't believe 2013 is over and we are the are heading into a fresh new year! 2013 has been a crazy whirlwind for us and the most life changing amazing year. December was the month when everything changed, from the the very start of the month when slow labour pains started for me, to mid month when I felt sore, heavy, and fat, to Christmas and then giving birth to the most amazing beautiful little boy! Here what we got up this month:

- Having wonderful friends who brought up treats for me after getting discharged from hospital with slow labour pains
- Pretty flowers from friends
- Watching Little Blip grown and my bump drop!
- Paul's Christmas slippers!
- Trying to get into the Christmas spirit while in slow labour!
- Having a pamper day getting nails and hair done
- Birthday treat from hubby meal out at Jamie Oliver's!
- Lovey birthday meal out
- Beautiful Christmas lights at Dundrum
- Being prepared for Christmas encase I went into labour early!
- Snuggling while watching a Christmas Carol
- A lovely Naivety scene
- Little soft toys from Nanny for Little Blip!
- Having bad labour pains so having a duvet day and watching old game shows!
- Getting ready for Blip!
- Can't not watch The Snowman at Christmas!
- Paul and Dad on Christmas Eve
- Me and Mam raise a glass for my birthday on Christmas Eve
- Mam and Dad in the Christmas spirit on Christmas Day!
- Merry Christmas
- Me on Christmas Day ready to pop!
- Lovely Christmas presents
- The best Christmas present we could ever get our Little Blip Oisín Furey was born on the 27th December. This picture is when he was 20 minutes old!
- Our beautiful little boy!
- Our home smells of beautiful flowers 
- Smiles on New Years Eve

December you have been very good to us, as has 2013! Hope 2014 will be just as good as year filled with milestones we are ready for you!


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