Friday 28 November 2014

My Week In Pictures 28/52

This week was a little better than last
we where all getting over that awful bug
we got last week.
We got a second touch of it later on in the week
but it passed quickly.
Here is my week in pictures: 

Poor baby getting over this awful
vomiting bug

What Sunday afternoons are for candles, twinkle lights
and a cosy movie Miracle on 34th Street 

How this little man falls asleep at
nap time!

Oh no little man and my parents all down with
this horrible bug again!

Oh God no I have it again too!

Feeling alot better so scrubbed the house
and started on some of the Christmas decorating!  

Looking forward to lighting this, pouring a glass of wine
and watching the Irish Christmas tradition that is
The Late Late Toy Show tonight!

Thursday 27 November 2014

Bump To Baby - He's Here - 11 Month Update

Poor little Oisín getting over vomiting bug 

Oisín now has six teeth! 
He has two bottom teeth & four top teeth!
Oisín started walking while holding my hand this month

How Many Months Old?: 11 Months! Finding it hard to believe that Oisín will be 1 years old next month!

Weight & Height?: Not sure but will do this for next month!

How Is Baby Eating?: He loves his food but because of an awful tummy bug we all got, he has been off his food the past week. When he is well he love to fed himself now and really enjoys finger food that he can pick up and feed himself. A couple of weeks ago we went to an Italian restaurant and he love picking up pasta to feed himself!
  Eating pasta!

How Is Baby Sleeping?: He is going through a phase at the moment he goes to sleep at 7pm and then wakes at 8.30pm and cries only because he wants one of us to come up to him and take him out of the cot!! I'm not sure if this is normal for his age, but it's like he is starting to realize when we are not in the same room as him! We are trying to let him cry it out but I always break and go up to him! 

Is Baby Crawling or Walking Yet?: He is not crawling but he is walking while holding on to my hands or along the sofa!

Is Baby Talking Yet?: The same words as last month!

How is Baby's Routine?: It's more or last the same as past months

How is Mammy & Daddy this Month?: Getting over this awful winter bug and trying to deal this crying at night phase that Oisín is going through.

Worst Moment Of the Month?: The awful winter vomiting bug we all had the past week it was awful and I really don't want any of us to get that again for a long time!

Best Moment Of the Month?: Bringing Oisín to a proper restaurant for the first time and he was as good as gold!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

This Week I'm Grateful For:

That we are kind of back to normal 
after a week of tummy bugs!
Last Wednesday Oisín came down
with a horrible vomiting bug
It was awful seeing our little boy in pain
and we couldn't feed him just give him
lots of fluids 
Then on Thursday evening I wasn't feel great
soon it was clear I got the bug
couple hours after that Paul got the bug
the next 24 hours were the most horrible EVER!
We all seem to be back to normal on Sunday
we cleaned all our house up 
then my Dad got it, then my Mam
but by Monday even Oisín seem to have it back again!
We seem to be one the mend today
so I am grateful for that today!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Christmas Tag!

Since its a month to Christmas Day thought I would post this!

1) What is your favourite Christmas movie?
I have two that really get me in the Christmas spirit! Two very different movies
First one is National Lampoons Christmas Vacation I love Chevy Chase and this movie is always saved for Christmas week in our house with a glass of Baileys!
The other on is It's A Wonderful Life we always watch this movie either on Christmas Eve or Christmas day.

2) Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
I guess I'm a little lucky that my birthday is on Christmas Eve so I always have presents to open on Christmas Eve! I remember as a child my brother would get upset that he has no presents to open, so he was always allowed to open one small present from under the tree on Christmas Eve!!

3) Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I have so many wonderful Christmas memories ones with my brother as always extra special since he is no longer with us. I do have a lovely memory of our last Christmas with my Nanny when I was 11 she had a huge party in her house Christmas Day we had lots of fun, games, music and all our family around us. I am looking forward to my first Christmas as a Mammy and making lots more memories

4) Favourite festive food?
Turkey! I really love turkey especially my Mam's or my husbands. I also really love my Mam's homemade stuffing she has passed the recipe on to my hubby. He does a good job but no one can beat my Mam's stuffing it's the best! Just the smell of it reminds me of Christmas! 

5) Favourite Christmas gift?
Does my baby boy count? He was born the 27th December last year and he was the best late Christmas present I ever got!

6) Favourite Christmas scent?
The smell of all the lovely things cooking coming from the kitchen! Perfume wise I always wear Tommy Girl around Christmas as it reminds me of my brother. My favourite candle to burn is Christmas Eve or Cherries on Snow by Yankee Candle 

7) Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
We have alot of different Christmas Eve traditions because my birthday is Christmas Eve it's slightly birthday and Christmas things! I always have breakfast in bed with bucks fizz and open presents. Hubby prepares tomorrows dinner and then we always go to my parents for dinner. We then usually go for a couple of birthday drinks in our local pub, last year this didn't happen as I was heavily pregnant, this year we are not sure because of Oisín.  Looking forward to my first birthday with my little one!

8) What tops your tree?
A large gold star tops our tree

9) As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagent) gift you always asked for but never received?
I can't say I ever asked for an extravagant gift! What ever I asked for I got, but we never asked for huge extravagant gifts! 

10) What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending it with the people I love and care about. Family time. This year will be even more special as we now have a little one in our house hold and the magic of Christmas is just about to be re-discovered all over again.

Monday 24 November 2014

My Week In Pictures 27/52

This week started off really well
Christmas shopping and eating out
then on Wednesday Oisín picked up
his first vomiting bug!
It was awful I came home early from work to be with him
he seemed to be in better form Thursday
but then it struck myself and the hubby
aw it was horrible
We are only getting over it now,
and now my parents have it!
Here are some of our pictures from the week past

Is it too early to put up this little guy yet?

Oisín enjoying his pizza!

Feet up, wine poured The Walking Dead time!

The rest of the week, well lets say taking pictures was the last thing on my mind!

Wednesday 19 November 2014

This Week I'm Grateful For:

That I get to watch this little fella
grow and change every day
He started walking while holding my
hand this week!!
How much he has changed in almost
a year!
From a tiny newborn who couldn't do anything
from himself to almost a toddler
who wants to do everything for himself!
He is so independent he wants to feed himself
and now wants to walk by himself
even though he is not quite ready yet!
I am so grateful that I have him in my life

Tuesday 18 November 2014

My Favourite Autumn/Winter TV Shows

Autum/Winter TV is always be great 
here are some of my favourites!

Downton Abbey is always a favourite in our house
I have been watching it for the past five years
last year I got my husband watching too
So this year we have both been enjoy a glass of red wine
and an hour of escapism on a Sunday evening
I did enjoy this season but I did feel it lacked
some of the fire, of past seasons but I am
still really looking forward to the Christmas special!

I only started watching this series the past couple of months
when the box set became available on Sky, my husband talked me into
giving it a go. He has been watching it since the pilot episode which was five years ago!
I have to admit I am loving this show! Horror, gory and zombies are so not my thing,
but I really enjoy this show. It's really well written and the cast is really good.
There are only two episodes left before the mid-season finale then its not back on our screens till

We have been watching this show for a while now
our favourite is Phil how can you just not laugh at how
everything goes wrong for him! Hoping this season will be
as good as last year.

We have been watching this show from
the very start and I love how far the characters have come
now they are geeks/nerds with wives and girlfriends!
Looking forward to see how this season develops

Finally my new favourite this Autumn is
Outlander. I only started watching this last week
it started a while back here in Ireland
I just hit series link on our Sky box and forgot about it.
I wasn't expecting much but this has totally sucked me in
the cast, acting and music is really good
Can I be whisked off to the Scottish highlands now please!

Monday 17 November 2014

Things That Made Say Yeah 22/52

This weekend was a lovely one
a nice family weekend
before the madness of Christmas 
and birthdays begin!
We done some Christmas shopping,
and went out for a lovely meal 

Here are some pics from our
meal out yesterday
Oisín's first Italian
and he loved it!

 Pizza bread delish!

 Oisín really enjoyed eating the crust
of the pizza bread and also the

 Pollo Alfredo

 Oisín also loved the pasta!

Saturday 15 November 2014

My Week In Pictures 26/52

Here is our week in pictures!

A lovely mid morning feast just what I needed after a 6am start!

Relaxing after a long day with a glass of red
and the Downton Abbey finale!

Large glass of rose and The Walking Dead
what Mondays are made for!

Big pot of chilli for dinner tonight..yummy!

How cute does this little guy look in his NFL Patriots jersey
send over from some lovely friends in the States

So the Christmas run up begins!

The hubby is off on a work thing, baby in bed
so just me a glass of wine and Gogglebox!

Wednesday 12 November 2014

This Week I'm Grateful For:

My family
I am so grateful for my family and how close we are
so lucky to have strong bonds
and also my in-laws too
the Furey family are amazing
so blessed to belong to an amazing group of people

That Oisín will never be lonely with
Grandparents, Great Uncles, Uncles, Aunts,
friends, and cousins all around
He is truly blessed and loved

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Currently I Am:

Currently I Am:

Listening To:
My favourite band in the world
Fleetwood Mac who are coming back to Ireland
next June going to hopefully get tickets on Friday!

A takeaway costa latte after a lovely
friend in work picked me one up on her way in today

Large knitted cream jumper, demin bootcut jeans
and grey ankle wedge boots

It to be home time so I can get home 
to my little man!

Some new makeup!!

The run up to Christmas!
All the Christmas ads on TV,
we have lot of our presents already in just a few more bits to get
can't wait to get my Christmas tree up!!

Monday 10 November 2014

Things That Made Say Yeah 21/52

 Saturday mid morning feasts!! Yummy!

 Settling down after a long day with a glass of red wine
and the season finale of Downton Abbey!

This little man enjoying his first ever
chocolate lolly he loved it and cried
when it was all gone!

Saturday 8 November 2014

My Week In Pictures 25/52

It's late and I don't have a picture for
Thursday or Friday as myself, Oisín and Paul
where sick :(
Here is our week in pictures:

Spending time with family
Oisín with his Uncle Conner

Sunday was onesie day in our house!

Monday night means wine and The Walking Dead!

Someone decided to say hello this morning!
Note the bed head!

Walking home from work early
as sent home sick :(


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