Tuesday 18 November 2014

My Favourite Autumn/Winter TV Shows

Autum/Winter TV is always be great 
here are some of my favourites!

Downton Abbey is always a favourite in our house
I have been watching it for the past five years
last year I got my husband watching too
So this year we have both been enjoy a glass of red wine
and an hour of escapism on a Sunday evening
I did enjoy this season but I did feel it lacked
some of the fire, of past seasons but I am
still really looking forward to the Christmas special!

I only started watching this series the past couple of months
when the box set became available on Sky, my husband talked me into
giving it a go. He has been watching it since the pilot episode which was five years ago!
I have to admit I am loving this show! Horror, gory and zombies are so not my thing,
but I really enjoy this show. It's really well written and the cast is really good.
There are only two episodes left before the mid-season finale then its not back on our screens till

We have been watching this show for a while now
our favourite is Phil how can you just not laugh at how
everything goes wrong for him! Hoping this season will be
as good as last year.

We have been watching this show from
the very start and I love how far the characters have come
now they are geeks/nerds with wives and girlfriends!
Looking forward to see how this season develops

Finally my new favourite this Autumn is
Outlander. I only started watching this last week
it started a while back here in Ireland
I just hit series link on our Sky box and forgot about it.
I wasn't expecting much but this has totally sucked me in
the cast, acting and music is really good
Can I be whisked off to the Scottish highlands now please!

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