Tuesday 25 November 2014

Christmas Tag!

Since its a month to Christmas Day thought I would post this!

1) What is your favourite Christmas movie?
I have two that really get me in the Christmas spirit! Two very different movies
First one is National Lampoons Christmas Vacation I love Chevy Chase and this movie is always saved for Christmas week in our house with a glass of Baileys!
The other on is It's A Wonderful Life we always watch this movie either on Christmas Eve or Christmas day.

2) Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
I guess I'm a little lucky that my birthday is on Christmas Eve so I always have presents to open on Christmas Eve! I remember as a child my brother would get upset that he has no presents to open, so he was always allowed to open one small present from under the tree on Christmas Eve!!

3) Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I have so many wonderful Christmas memories ones with my brother as always extra special since he is no longer with us. I do have a lovely memory of our last Christmas with my Nanny when I was 11 she had a huge party in her house Christmas Day we had lots of fun, games, music and all our family around us. I am looking forward to my first Christmas as a Mammy and making lots more memories

4) Favourite festive food?
Turkey! I really love turkey especially my Mam's or my husbands. I also really love my Mam's homemade stuffing she has passed the recipe on to my hubby. He does a good job but no one can beat my Mam's stuffing it's the best! Just the smell of it reminds me of Christmas! 

5) Favourite Christmas gift?
Does my baby boy count? He was born the 27th December last year and he was the best late Christmas present I ever got!

6) Favourite Christmas scent?
The smell of all the lovely things cooking coming from the kitchen! Perfume wise I always wear Tommy Girl around Christmas as it reminds me of my brother. My favourite candle to burn is Christmas Eve or Cherries on Snow by Yankee Candle 

7) Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
We have alot of different Christmas Eve traditions because my birthday is Christmas Eve it's slightly birthday and Christmas things! I always have breakfast in bed with bucks fizz and open presents. Hubby prepares tomorrows dinner and then we always go to my parents for dinner. We then usually go for a couple of birthday drinks in our local pub, last year this didn't happen as I was heavily pregnant, this year we are not sure because of Oisín.  Looking forward to my first birthday with my little one!

8) What tops your tree?
A large gold star tops our tree

9) As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagent) gift you always asked for but never received?
I can't say I ever asked for an extravagant gift! What ever I asked for I got, but we never asked for huge extravagant gifts! 

10) What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending it with the people I love and care about. Family time. This year will be even more special as we now have a little one in our house hold and the magic of Christmas is just about to be re-discovered all over again.

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