Thursday 16 January 2014

Bump To Baby - He's Here - 3 Weeks Old

Oisín at 3 weeks old!
His Newborn hair is starting to fall out & change colour!
- Oisín is out grown his newborn clothes!! He is now in 0-3 clothes, some of them are still a little too big!
- He found his crying voice this week!
- He is starting to sleep up to 5/6 hours a night!
- He is losing his new born baby hair :(

How Many Weeks Old?: 3 Weeks

Weight & Height?: Not sure as he wasn't weighted this week, but he is out growing his newborn sleepsuits and babygrows already! 

How Is Baby Eating?: He is eating great, he is down to a bottle every 3 & half to 4 hours during the day and two feeds during the night, one at around 12/1am and one at 5/6am which is alot better than what it was!

How Is Baby Sleeping?: He is sleeping great, but still wants to stay awake at that 5am feed when Mammy and Daddy's eyes are hanging out of there head!

Is Baby Crawling or Walking Yet?: Nope too early yet!

Is Baby Talking Yet?: Still to himself, he is not much of a crier, so he makes grunts, gurgles and noises to let you know if he is not happy! He did find his crying voice this week when he want a feed a hour to early and screamed the place down until I gave it to him!

How is Baby's Routine?: His routine at the moment is basically feed, sleep, change nappy, wake, feed, sleep, change nappy!!

How is Mammy & Daddy this week?: Paul went back to work this week, so it was back to normal for Paul and all change for me! The first two days where a bit of a nightmare for me I felt shattered and it was these days that Oisín found his crying voice and I felt like I was doing everything wrong! Paul works shifts so I found the 2pm/10pm shifts hard it felt like Paul was gone forever and I really missed that shoulder to cry on!! But by Thursday I was feeling so much better (maybe it was because I am finally fitting back into some of my pre-pregnancy clothes!) and Oisín and I had got into a good routine. So bring on next week...onwards and upwards!

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Wednesday when Paul was on a late shift in work, Oisín wouldn't settle all day and then decided to throw up all over me! I felt terrible like I was doing something wrong but the next day was so much better so I guess it's all trial and error and learning every day.

Best Moment Of the Week?: It might be a bad habit but Oisín has took to fall asleep on my chest after a feed. It's great bonding time for us and I just sit there and look at him for hours! 

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