Friday 31 January 2014

Bump To Baby - He's Here - 5 Weeks Old

I'm Five Weeks Old Today!

- Oisín is losing his newborn hair, and going a fair/reddish colour!
- He has started to sleep six hours a night
- Is more alert and likes to sit and look at the world around him!

How Many Weeks Old?: 5 Weeks

Weight & Height?: Not sure but we have a six week check up next week so will get him weighted and measured then

How Is Baby Eating?: One thing about our little man he loves his food! He is a little milk monster and has a bottle every 3/4 hours during the day

How Is Baby Sleeping?: He sleeps between most feds during the day and is now going 6 hours before waking at night which is great! He does sometimes fight sleep which I think is crazy I have never seen a five week old fight sleep before but he does! His little eyes go all red when he fights sleep!!

Is Baby Crawling or Walking Yet?: Nope too early yet!

Is Baby Talking Yet?: To himself he loves to make little noises when he is awake! 

How is Baby's Routine?: His routine is going well, during the day when hubby is in work myself and Oisín are getting into a little routine after the morning bottle Oisín tends to go straight back asleep this is when I get my housework done, next bottle he like to play for a bit then back to sleep. Every second or third night we give Oisín a bath which helps him relax and go to sleep for the night.

How is Mammy & Daddy this week?: We are getting there and learning about our little man every day. I am feeling good and am getting into a daily routine with Oisín which is good. I am slightly tired and cranky at night but I am getting there. We are both looking forward to Oisín getting his vaccinations when we can then bring him outside a little more.

Worst Moment Of the Week?: On Thursday night when Oisín was badly constipated and he was crying his little eyes out because of it. I felt so helpless to do anything I spent hours trying to get him to drink water, massaging his little belly and doing the bicycle with his legs he finally had a little poo, but it broke my heart seeing him in so much pain.

Best Moment Of the Week?: Just waking up this his beautiful like face every morning and watching him get more and more alert.

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