Monday 26 May 2014

Things That Made Me Say Yeah This Weekend 1/52

Another new blog post that I have thought of doing for a while but only got around to it now! Every Monday I hope to post things that made be happy (say yeah!) over the weekend. Here is what made me say yeah this weekend:

Watching these two play after the Hubby came home from work on Saturday evening. Oisín was so happy to see his Daddy and even though he was tired and ready for bed Oisín laughed and played with Daddy for almost an hour. My heart melts looking at how much these two love each other.

A lovely glass of Pinot Grigio after the baby went to bed Saturday night
Another thing that made me think yeah was....the bright evenings even though it was grey and rainy it didn't get dark here till 10pm the weekend.
A thing that didn't make me say yeah this weekend was the horrible rainy weather we had here all weekend where is the Summer?

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