Monday 4 March 2013

Five Things 9/52

Happy Monday everyone! We had a wonderful weekend, after weeks of being ill I felt great this weekend. Here are my five things:

These beauties that I bought online where delivered Friday great start to my weekend! I adore these all I need now is an outfit to go with them! "Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world" - Marilyn Monroe.

Huge family dinner on Saturday! We went down to my parents for dinner and games night. I love family time and its hard to get us all together because Paul and Dad work shifts so I cherish our time together.

New favourite shade of nail polish its called Let's Go To Miami by Essence such a nice coral colour my nails are all ready for Spring!

I really feel like a grown up now we got our landline phone fitted up on Sunday. We now have our own home phone and number! Strange how a phone can make me feel all grown up!

We went shopping on Sunday I bought another handbag!! Afterwards we went to have some Sunday lunch in a pub in town it was yummy finished off with a glass of red!

We had a lovely weekend it was great for me to feel back to normal and get out and enjoy the Spring weather. What are you five things from the weekend?


  1. Hiya! I'm glad to hear your feeling better!
    Great post! I love those shoes!
    And it looks like you ate some yummy roast dinners over the weekend!
    This weekend my five things would be...
    1.Girly night out on Friday
    2.Spending time with Nathan
    3.Having some me time Sunday evening with a girly flick and maltesears!
    4. Playing chase with Tibby he is so clever! it's like playing tag he actually chases me aha.
    5. My beef dinner on Sunday was so scrummy!
    Thats my five things this weekend.
    Take care

  2. Thanks Vanessa I love you 5 things can't beat a girly night x


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