Monday 17 February 2014

Bump To Baby - He's Here- 2 Months In Pictures

Wow can't believe our little man is two month this Friday how the time has gone so quick here are some of my favourite pictures from the past two months!

First smile on camera!
The Next Karate Kid?
Ready for Ireland's six nations game

Asleep after a hard morning of playing!
Emm...think this is a little too big Mammy!
They had a busy busy day!!
How cute am I?!

Doing my best Usain Bolt impression!
 It great to see how much our little guy has grown here as some little things about him from the past few weeks:
* He smiles alot now most of the time he has smiles for you when he wakes up
* He is now in 3-6 months clothes already he has quite long legs so he is still in 0-3 tops
* He has good head support even thou he hates tummy time
* He love goes out on walks in his pram
I will do a full bump to baby two month update on Friday!

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