Monday 24 February 2014

Five Things 48/52

Happy Monday everyone hope you all had a lovely weekend here are my five things from this weekend:

Having ten minutes Saturday afternoon to sit down relax and enjoy some of Paul's homemade brownies with a very large cup of tea!

What Sunday mornings are made for! Latte and french pastries! 

My heart broke for my little guy this weekend, he has had the sniffles the past couple of days but nothing too bad then on Sunday it got worse. He got all snotty and the poor little mite couldn't get it out..all I want to do for him was blow his nose and I couldn't. How the littlest things make babies sore like wind and snot! We have been trying all sorts of things, steam, sprays, tummy time to try get this little ones chest and nose clear. This is my favourite moment on Sunday when fell after two hours of trying he fell asleep on my shoulder.

Ready for Call The Midwife!

After a very long day I needed some Jeremy Piven in my life! 

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried Sunfflebabe? It's like a vicks chest rub for babies, and it is brilliant. Also, a few drops of baby menthol oil on a hanky, pinned somewhere close enough for the vapours to reach him, but far away enough so he can't grab it helps a lot.

    The other thing I used to do was raise The Girl's head. Pillows are dangerous for babies, but I'd push a flat one underneath the bottom sheet and tuck the sheet firmly, so her head was up a bit, but not just laying on a pillow. It helped to drain the snot away so she could sleep.

    I hope he's on the mend now. Poorly babies are not fun. breaks your heart and is even harder work for mama!

    love your positive post.


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