Wednesday 7 January 2015

The Year That Was 2014

2014 went by in a bit of a whirl wind and it was a bit of a roller coaster
but it was my first year as a Mammy and nothing can ever come close to
the past year.

January: This month saw us start a new year
as parents
This month I had never felt more sleep deprived 
in my life but looking back it was one of
my favourite months of the year

February/March: February was a nice month for us
Paul's first birthday as a Daddy, first night out while
Grandparents babysat Oisín!
March was more of a trying month, we got news
that our Landlord had been declared bankrupted
so we had 20 days to move out!
Packing, trying to find a place with
a new baby....not fun! 

April: We moved back into my parents this month
as we couldn't find anywhere suitable to live
in 20 days! It was also Oisín's christening this month
it was an amazing day with all our friends and family

 May: Saw us going away for our first 
weekend away without Oisín my parents babysit
It was lovely to have two nights away dinner,
drinks and lie ins!
We also moved into our new house the end of May
and I went back to work

June/July: June saw my Dad turn 70th!!
We had a few drinks and a huge family dinner
Mam and Dad went on a break away to Scotland
In July we had picnics in the park and family
swim days. Paul and I also attend the wedding
of two of our lovely friends

August: Was the month I crashed and burned!
I was sick in bed for over two weeks
ear, throat and jaw infections you name it
I got it! It was also the month we discovered
how much of a bitch teething can be!

September: It was a good month, our 3rd wedding anniversary
and the month my Mam and I got to walk the famous
Coronation Street cobbles! I got a surprise early 30th birthday 
present from Paul and my parents. A soap tour to visit 
the sets of Coronation Street and Emmerdale, shopping and
spending money! 
We also celebrated my Mam's birthday this month too

October: Is never my favourite month
it was my brother's eight year anniversary
but I had this little man to help me
get through it

November: Was an up and down month
we started off good. Oisín had his first
meal in a restaurant this month and was
good as gold. He enjoyed pasta, bread sticks,
cheese and ice cream!
We then all got the horrible winter bug
and where down with that for nearly two weeks
as poor Oisín got it twice

December: My favourite month of the year
What amazing month this was, from Oisín's
face when he saw the Christmas tree for the first time, to
his 1st Birthday party. Then bringing him to see
Santa Claus, enjoying night outs with friends and family.
had so many meals out I can't remember them all!!
My 30th birthday celebrations, Christmas day
was wonderful and of course on the 27th it was Oisín's
1st birthday.

2014 you have been amazing can't to see what 2015
has in store.

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