Friday 13 March 2015

Week In Pictures 39/52

This week felt like a long one!
Hubby came home from work on Monday
with a stomach bug
which passed on to me on Wednesday 
(I only had a touch of it and was able to go to work)
which then passed on to Oisín yesterday
so I am now currently in work waiting on a phone
call to say he has vomited!

Oisín eating his first tea cake 
at a Christening on Saturday!

Even though he is teething, has red cheeks,
and vomited Uncle Jamie can always make
him smile!

Chill out time with a glass of wine and The Walking Dead

The sun was out so off the the park we went!

Wasn't feeling well but managed a short walk
after work

Thank God for early morning coffee!

Flashback Friday can't believe this was
last Mother's Day!

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