Tuesday 22 December 2015

Christmas Madness & Hospital Drama!

Last week I ended up in hospital for four days!! I had been have sharp stabbing pains
in my lower left side of my stomach for two days
I left it go until the pain got so bad I couldn't stand and last Tuesday I was rushed to A&E
I had lots of scans and tests and found out Wednesday it was something called
Epiploic appendagitis which is when tissue on the bowel gets twisted
along with an inflamed cyst on my ovary!

I was put on fluids, pain relief and an antibiotic drip in hospital
by Friday I was feeling alot better and was thankfully allowed to go home!
I have been on meds since Friday at home and am feeling so much better
But I am now so behind in Christmas stuff, cards are wrote out still waiting to be posted,
presents are thankfully wrapped but in gift bags waiting to go to friends and family,
Christmas food shop needs to be done, house needs to be cleaned,
Oisín needs to get a haircut, and a trip to my brothers grave needs to happen
Meanwhile Oisín will not let me out of his sight encase I disappear again!

While this was such a horrible time for this to happen
it has made me realise even if all the things above don't happen
it doesn't matter
I'm alive and with my family at Christmas 
and that's what's it all about!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, I'm so glad you are ok. I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd been in hospital. Quite often I am a rubbish blog friend. I'm glad you were back home for Christmas.

    What a terrible scare for you, and your family.



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