Sunday 6 December 2015

My Top Ten Favourite Christmas Songs

Can't have Christmas without those toe tapping Christmas tunes
Love them or hate them they are as part of Christmas as much as Christmas pudding!
Here are my top ten favourites

10: Kate Bush - December Will Be Magic Again
Unless you are a Kate Bush fan like I am you might not have heard of this song
For me it's a Christmas classic Kate sings about White Christmas, snow, candles, and Santa
It might not be to every ones taste but it's classic early Kate Bush and I love it!

9: Paul McCarthy - Wonderful Christmas Time
This is one of those songs for me gets me all warm inside
I remember it playing the first Christmas Paul and I where dating
We where at a pub having a few drinks with friends before Christmas
Every time I hear that song it takes me back to the feeling of early romance
and the care free joys of being with friends before Christmas
it always gets me in the festive mood!

8: Chris Rea - Driving Home For Christmas
Another favourite that gets me really in the Christmas spirit
We have all been there driving home from work on our last day before the Christmas holiday
 stuck in rush hour traffic
Knowing that when we get home Christmas can begin!

7: Band Aid - Do They Know It's Christmas
A couple of years ago this would of been higher up my list
but in the past few years there has been some many re-makings and re-recordings
that to be honest it has dumbed down the original for me
Of course the power and meaning behind this song is still amazing
It is a one of a kind and I don't think we will have such a powerful
Christmas song again

6: John & Yoko - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
Beautiful anti war song
It does make me feel wow another year is almost over
when I hear the line "another year over and a new one just begun"
Beautiful message beautiful song

5: Wham - Last Christmas
Such a cheesy 80's Christmas tune
but I love it..especially the video all big hair and snow!
"Merry Christmas I wrapped it up and sent it" what a line!
This one I really sang into my hair brush as a teenager! I still sing this around the house at Christmas
A ballad of doomed romance just what we love at Christmas!!

4: Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You
This the hubby's favourite Christmas song and I am sure he love the video too
(Mariah bouncing around in the snow)
It's such a catchy little tune and I can help myself singing along
I remember singing it to my pregnant bump a couple of Christmas ago
It has took a couple of year over this side of the Atlantic to become a classic
but it's played at all the office party's now!!

3: Slade - Merry Xmas
I grew up with 70's music coming from my parents radio
So it's not wonder Slade is high up in my list my Mam favourite band growing up
She always had Slade's Merry Xmas on while we where putting up our Christmas tree
So it's no wonder it doesn't feel like Christmas for me until I hear
Noddy Holder scream IT'S CHRISTMAS!!

2: Wizard - I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday
The 70's really was the time for Christmas songs!!
Another Christmas tune that was always played in my house growing up
Even the lead singer looked liked something out of Lapland!
Something so festive about the sleigh bells and the children choir joining in
This will be played alot at our house over Christmas!
When I was a kid I really did wish it could be Christmas ever day!
When you get older your glad it's only once a year!

1: Pogues - Fairytale of New York
I love this song and always have when I was younger I loved it
because it had naughty words in it
Now I love it because it reminds of my brother
us singing it together the night of my 21st birthday and laughing our head off!
I love it because its a tale of  loss, hope, despair and above all love
Yes it's over played especially here in Ireland but the
next time it's on the radio close your eyes
and really listen to it.....

So that's my favourite Christmas song what about yours?

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