Wednesday 29 April 2015

Bump To Baby - Oisín's 16 Month Update

Oisín is now kind of walking on his own!
(He is still very nervous but is taking small steps on his own)
He shakes his head to say no!
He is cutting four teeth at the same time
Speaking lots more words
He has starting to try climb the stairs
(funny he is nervous to walk but is brave enough to climb stairs)
He loves to open cupboards and the washing machine
He imitates everything we do now!
He loves looking at his reflection and will talk to it
He really likes me to read to him 
and will turn the pages when I ask him too!
He pretend laughs when he hears laughing
from us or the TV!

The main thing I have noticed the past few months is
how curious he has become!
He loves looking around at everything and watching
how something is done!
I have also noticed how much he loves music
he will dance and sing when we have music on
He also loves when his Uncle Conner bring out his
instruments he loves to strum the guitar or banjo
He also picked up a tambourine in a shop
wouldn't let go of it until I bought it for him! 

How Many Months Old?: 16 months old!

Weight & Height?: 

How Is Oisín Eating?: He is still going through a fussy stage, 
he will not eat mash potato anymore for me! 
He mainly likes food he can fed himself, 
anything spoon fed he just doesn't want anymore! 
We have started to try get him to spoon fed himself
but he doesn't seem ready yet. He still loves
all his fruit and veg! 
He is cutting bottom teeth so he loves anything soft on his gums

How Is Oisín Sleeping?: He has been sleeping great but due to a cold and teething
the past week his sleeping patterning is all over the place!

Is Oisín Crawling or Walking Yet?: He is walking talking small steps by himself more every day!

Is Oisín Talking Yet?: Oisín loves to talk and sing we don't understand most of it but new words this month are Peppa Pig, Yeah, Hello, Bye, and Three!!

How is Oisín Routine?: His routine is the same as past months nothing much has changed

How is Mammy & Daddy this Month?: Tired, trying to get into a housework routine now the big nights are back. Slowly getting better at date nights and couple time!

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