Friday 8 May 2015

Week In Pictures 46/52

We got our professional pictures
of Oisín back today so cute
I love them

Little mister got his passport pictures today!

Glass of fizz while watching Game of Thrones!

Little bed head after nap time!
Look at those teething cheeks!

This is me today!
Work was busy
Then got home Oisín is not well at all
bad cough, cold and teething, really fussy today
I wasn't feel all that well either
Oisín then pulled a baby gate down on his face
Spilled a cup of juice over himself
Wouldn't eat any dinner
Then peed on the floor while a nappy change!
Was almost pouring a glass of wine
but decided on an early night instead!

Hubby and I went on a date day
out for lunch and a movie
It was lovely!

This is how I feel today
woke feeling achy all over
with a cough and cold
In work now but when I get
home Paul is going to work and
I just want to go to bed!

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