Wednesday 25 May 2016

On The Box This Week

Warning-TV Spoilers Ahead!

I wasn't sure what to expect from Love Nina, haven't read the book but it looked good
and I love anything with Helena Bonham Carter so I gave it a go.
I'm so glad I did it's a witty, funny half our show about 20 year old Nina from Leicester who
becomes a Nanny in London for, two football crazy, very clever boys. She writes to her sister in Leicester telling her all what it's like living and working for a clever, brainy and eccentric family.
The highlights for me where Faye Marsay as Nina and Helena Bonham Carter as the boys eccentric Mother George. I am looking forward to more next week.

This was the first episode of the second season of Outlander when I actually thought
the storyline was rushed and I didn't understand what was happening.
Last week Claire and Jamie had the big bust up about saving Frank through Jamie not duelling with Black Jack. This week we saw Jamie still struggling with that decision. Himself and Claire are barely talking, when Murtagh intervenes and tells Jamie to eat and get ready for the duel. Jamie knows he has to tell Murtagh the truth the whole truth about Claire, the stones and her being from the future.
The storyline I had a problem with was the fake small pox in the wine. Claire was trying to make small pox appear on Jamie with various, herbs and potions. Then the whole poison wine and robbery, it felt rushed and I had to actually stop and think why they where doing it again. Of course it is to make sure that Bonnie Prince Charles doesn't get the money in his war chest to set sail for Scotland to try reclaim his Stuart crown and in doing so kill hundreds of Scots and the highland way of life. But in a episode that already fit so much into an hour it felt rushed and not explained well.
The scenes that I truly loved was Jamie talking to Claire's bump such a sweet scene and when he made her promise that if anything bad ever happens to them, if she has no choice she must go back through the stones. Just has he had promised her that he wouldn't fight Black Jack, a promise that at the end of the episode is broken, and it breaks Claire as it looks like she is losing there baby as she finds out and watches them duel. My heart broke as she tried to call for Jamie as she held her stomach and passed out.

After last weeks reveal that Dr Sweet is in fact Dracula
I was excited to see where this weeks episode could go.
Mr Clare (Frankenstein's Monster) is back in London after having a number of flashbacks of his life before he heads to the place he last remembers living with his wife and son. His story is always so tragic and brilliantly acted he is one of my favourite characters in Penny Dreadful. He finally find his wife and son living in a old run down room. His son looks like he his dying from tuberculosis to help them he robs a rich man and leaves the money in there room. He doesn't reveal himself to his family instead he looks through the broken attic floor quite like a ghostly angel.
From a character I love to one I dislike Dorian Grey while I really like Billie Pipper's portrayal of Lily the creature of Frankenstein's Brona. I feel Dorian adds nothing to the story, he just seems to appear in the sickly gruesome sex scenes! Justine became there willing disciple slaughtering her old pimp, of course nothing turns you on more than a good killing so they have a blood soaked threesome! While I'm all for sex scenes if there needed I think this scene was just for shock value which sometimes does annoy me with this show.
Ethan Talbot has reluctantly teamed up with the evil Hecate to try out run the police who are fast on there heels.
He doesn't understand what Hecate wants with him until she spells it out for him. She wants him to give into the beast inside him, the one he tries so hard to hide until the full moon outs him. Her goal is to tempt him into the darkness, she is the darkness to Vanessa's light and if he embraces the beast and darkness she want to rule at his side.
This season for me the storyline I am loving is the Vanessa/Dracula storyline. This Dr Sweet is a different kind of Dracula then we are use to. He doesn't hide away in the darkness, he can walk in the light, he has a job, he can see his refection in mirrors, he is slightly awkward, and he speaks of his dead wife with what seems like genuine heart break. Vanessa seems to be falling a little for him that is until one of his vampire minions speaks out of turn, and appeared to her to tell her that she had met his master before in a padded cell of white. Vanessa quickly retreats back into herself and breaks off contact with Dr Sweet. Which of course he is very annoyed about seeing the charmingly awkward Dr Sweet change with temper and kill the outspoken minion was rather chilling and I am looking forward to seeing him change from the soft spoken Dr Sweet to the powerful scary Dracula.
The big reveal this week was when Vanessa convinces Dr Seward to hypnotise her to go back into her thoughts to that padded cell to see the master once more. When an orderly comes to the room with her lunch we see it is no other than Mr Clare in his life before Frankenstein!
This season of Game of Thrones just seems to be getting better and better!
The Door was one of the most heart breaking episodes as another of our favourite characters is killed. This was an episode of huge reveals and some of the huge pieces of the Game of Thrones jigsaw where put together.
Bran gets some stick for being a "boring" character my hubby who is a huge Thrones fan was never a big fan of Bran, but I knew he was a major piece in the chess game that is Thrones. After a break from the character he is back this season and showing all the non Bran fans why he is needed. He is the link that is needed between the past and the future and with his flashbacks the history of the Thrones world is shown to the viewer. In this episode he found that The Children of The Forest needed a weapon against mankind and created The White Walkers. Which obviously didn't go to plan as now The Children of The Forest are all but gone and The White Walkers are building an army to kill mankind!
In Castle Black Sansa meets Little Finger and vents her fury at him for leaving her at the hands of Ramsay. She doesn't want his help and tells him to leave before so he reveals that her Uncle has gathered men and took back Riverrun. The side storyline of Brienne and Tormund is giving us the comic relief but poor Pod has barely had one line this season! There was a good few reminders of Jon Snow been illegitimate this episode wonder where they are going with this storyline? Will Sansa be Warton of the North due to Jon not being a Stark? Will Jon fight for more than just the North? Sansa brought him back into a sisterly hug when she made him a new coat with furs and the Stark sigil like the one there Father Ned wore.
Arya must make a decision if she is to become faceless is she ready to finally give up her Stark name? I don't think Arya will ever completely lose the pride and love she carries with her name. We could see that she was still visibly hurt and annoyed when the little play she was watching mocked her Father and Sister. Great little cameo Richard E Grant as one of the camp theatre actors.
This season for me is beginning to feel like the end of the over all series, certain storylines will be drawing to a close soon, there has been major deaths in every episode and there is only two Stark Direwolves left and one of them was last seen in season one!
The last few minutes of this episode showed us once again how George RR Martin is a master story teller, how he was sitting on this big secret since the first pages of the first book is amazing. Earlier this season we saw a flashback and found out Bran's gentle giant Hodor once had a different name and was a stable boy and friend to the Starks. In this episode we found out how he was renamed Hodor. Hodor is the shorting of the plea to Hold The Door which was what Meeran shouted to him as she tried to escaped with Bran while the army of the dead surrounded the cave where Bran and The One Eye Raven where warping back in time. The phrase ingrained on young Hodor's brain by a present day Bran as he warped into Hodor's body to try escape death from the White Walkers. The gentle giant was ripped to pieces by the walkers as Bran made his escape while in the past Bran watched on as the young Hodor became a shell of what he once was.
It doesn't look good for Bran next week with only Meeran with him now, as Hodor, The One Eyed Raven, The Children of The Forest and Direwolf Summer where all wiped out in this episode
But before all that I have to get through this week without crying if someone hold the door for me!

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