Thursday 26 May 2016

Song of the Week

This week has been sponsored by the song...

Gypsy-Fleetwood Mac

I don't play my many CDs much anymore it's all about spotifiy and my ipod now
but that doesn't mean I don't love my back catalogue of Fleetwood Mac CDs!
I will buy the new reissue of Mirage Fleetwood Mac's 1982 album where the song Gypsy takes pride of place. I will be buying it not on itunes but on amazon for the actual CD. I am still old school like that I love taking out the booklet looking at the new pictures, reading the lyrics and searching for new facts!
While Mirage isn't my favourite Fleetwood Mac album it will be joining my CD collection of Fleetwood Mac bumper reissue albums Fleetwood Mac, Rumours and Tusk
Do you still listen or buy CDs?

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