Tuesday 3 May 2016

Over The Weekend #28

This weekend Paul was working
so it was just me and Oisín for most of it
We has some nice Mother and Son time
On Saturday morning we were up and out early
we done a bit of shopping 
and then headed to one of our favourite places the library
Oisín loves it here the children and young adult section is huge
he loves looking at all the books
It does be a chore to try to get him to leave
So after he picked out three books I had to promise a trip to
the park to get him to leave!

After a very quick trip to the park we went
to my parents for lunch
Oisín showed Nana his books while Granddad made lunch!

Later after movie time at home
we had yummy hot dogs for tea!

After Oisín was bathed and in bed
Paul and I enjoyed a glass of bubbles while watching Outlander

Sunday was a slow day we just stayed cosy, watched movies and I done some housework
Paul and Oisín went to a friends christening when Paul got home from work
I got ready and went out with my parents for a well deserved night out!

Paul was off work yesterday for the Bank Holiday
so we spent a hour or so in the park with Oisín
we then came home and watched Minions while a lovely roast cooked in the oven
We had a lovely roast for dinner it was just what the doctor ordered!

We finished the weekend off with a glass of something nice
While watching Game of Thrones
What an episode that one was!

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