Sunday 19 August 2012

Battle of the Bulge - Week 8

After a week break my battle of the bulge plan is back and it hasn't been a great week!

Week 8:

Monday: Well after a week of not doing my battle of the bulge plan eating what I wanted when I wanted and no exercise I felt very squishy around the edges!! I walked over 5.5km today, dinner was chicken enchiladas yummy!!!

Tuesday: After walking the legs off myself yesterday I was so achy and stiff today =( A case of doing to much to soon me thinks! I only managed to do 30 minutes of exercise at home today! Dinner was steak, potatoes, leeks and sweetcorn.

Wednesday: Today I done four hours of house work (place hasn't been cleaned in over a week!) and 30 minutes of house work. Dinner was chicken & gnocchi.

Thursday: Today I done 30 minutes of motivation at all today =/ Paul was working late tonight so dinner for me was just a ham salad. Oh and a huge bar of chocolate!

Friday: I walked 4.5km today after not doing much yesterday I thought I better get off my bum and start doing some exercise! Dinner was pork chops, peas and chips.

Saturday: We walked 3km today today was my naught day so dinner was chicken thai curry with chips. We went to a get together in my parents tonight so we polished off a couple of bottles of wine!

Sunday: No exercise was done today. Dinner was in my parents-in law's it was a lovely Sunday roast with all the trimmings plus a couple of glasses of red wine.

The Bad
-I didn't go to the gym at all this week =/
- Felt bolated and squishy all week
- Lack of motivation to do much this week

The Good
+ I did do a good bit of walking this week
+ Ate alot of fruit this week
+ Lost half a pound this week =)

It took a while to get back into exercising this week after not doing any last week, and when I did of course I over do it on Monday and then that set the tone for the rest of the week. Midway through the week I lost motivation and didn't want to do anything! So my goal for next week is to get back to the gym at least once next week and to go swimming.


  1. You have more motivation than me! lol.
    I really must exercise more, work shatters me out though and i feel like doing nothing when i get home.
    Well done you on all the walking and losing half a pound :) i probs put weight on after this weekend :(.

  2. Aw thanks I think my motivation is I can barely fit into any of my clothes anymore =( I think I have hit a bit of a wall this week and don't want to do anything!


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