Monday 27 August 2012

Battle of the Bulge - Week 9

Not a great week, only got to the gym twice. Haven't felt myself this week had a bit of a dodgy tummy all week. So lacked a lot of motivation!

Week 9

Monday: I went back to the gym today and it took Paul nagging at me to get me there! We walked 3.5km and when we finally got to the gym I done 20 mintues on the power-plate, 20 mintues using different weight machines, cycled 5km and done 500m on the rower. Dinner was stuffed chicken breast, peas and roast potatoes.

Tuesday: I walked 2.5km today, went to my parent-inlaws today had dinner there and it was a lovely stew.

Wednesday: My Mammy in law gave me new exericse machine to do at home. Pictures coming soon!! So I done a hour of this new machine and my rollier see pic above!! Both focse on the tummy area which is what I need!! Dinner was chicken salad.

Thursday: Today was my naughty day but I did walk 3.5km. I went to see the show Chicago with a few friends we had dinner out and a few cocktails. Good fun night out!

Friday: Walked 2.5km today & done 30 mintues exercise at home. Dinner was in my parents today and it was chicken & chips yummy! Had a few glasses of wine tonight with the hubby.

Saturday: Went to the gym today walked 3.5km, cycled 4km and done 20 mins on the power-plate. Dinner was pan fried sea bass with salad and potatoes.

Sunday: Went out to see the last of the tall ships in Dublin docks today with my Mam. Ate fish and chips drank rose and had a lovely day!

The Bad
- Didn't do much exercise this week
- Had two naughty days!
- I think I have hit a bit of a wall the past couple of weeks and my motivation is gone

The Good
+ The new exercise machine I got this week
+ I am still getting much fitter every week
+ Getting a lot of lovely fresh air!

This week again wasn't a great week I think I have hit a wall. My motivation is gone and I still don't seem to be losing much weight. Next week I start a new job and will be doing a lot more walking. Hopefully next week will be a better week!

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