Monday 15 February 2016

Over The Weekend #17

I have been an awful blogger the past few weeks
with hospital and doctor appointments
it has took all my strength to be a Mammy never mind
anything else! 
This weekend just when we thought we 
where all getting back on our feet 
Oisín picked up a viral infection on Friday in day care
so most of the weekend plans where put on hold
and now poor hubby has picked up the bug!

Father and Son watching the Six Nations Rugby
Ireland are not doing too well this year
Lollipops to cheer our little boy up who spent
most of Saturday asleep, coughing or vomiting!

Happy Valentines Day
By Sunday morning Oisín had slept a good 12 hours
so he was more or less back to himself by Valentines morning
Paul and Oisín brought me breakfast in bed
with beautiful roses and lovely presents
but my favourite card of the day was this one......

My first handmade card from Oisín
He made it in daycare last week and it melted my heart
when he handed it to me.
There was a time when I thought I would have none
of this so it makes it all the more special

We didn't do much on Valentines day itself
I had a mid morning bubble bath and finished the book I was reading
Then we thought so fresh air might do us some good we wrapped up
and spent forty minutes or so in our local park
Then it was home and hot chocolate all round

Later hubby and son watched the footie
while I poured myself a glass of cava and snuggled beside them on the sofa
When Oisín went to bed Paul and I had an M&S dine in meal
but by 9pm Paul wasn't feeling too good
and now has the viral infection Oisín had on Saturday

I can well and truly say our household has seen it's fair share
of illness and ailments for the past eight weeks I think
we are ready for Spring!

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