Sunday 21 February 2016

Over The Weekend #18

This weekend didn't go how I wanted but then when does life!?
Friday was a lovely day I was well enough to walk down to daycare in the morning with Oisìn
Then came home and made myself a breakfast smoothie with all the lovely fruit
I got in my delivery

After day care Oisìn and I went for a walk in the park
We met my Dad and Uncle on the way home which Oisìn was happy about!

Saturday was another nice day we got out for a walk
We went to the library and the to the in laws for tea
But by the evening my bowel pain was acting up
Sunday was a dull rainy day and I didn't feel myself at all
I felt dizzy, light headed and sick all day
But I did manage to eat a lovely Sunday lunch
I did spent most of the in bed reading and resting
Hopefully this week we will be all back to normal and illness free!

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