Monday 1 February 2016

Over The Weekend #16

By Saturday morning I was feeling a little better
after Oisín had a sleep over on Friday night
at his Grandparents so I could rest and sleep in
Saturday morning. It was a lovely treat and
just what I needed to get back on my feet!
After collecting Oisín from his grandparents
we went to my favourite place the library!
I got lots of lovely books to keep me going
in February!

We then went for a quick walk in the park
and to get a few bits from the shop
Oisín was really tired at this stage so we
didn't hang around for long
We had a lovely steak dinner and Oisín
enjoyed dipping his chips in the pepper sauce!
After Oisín was bathed (he had an early night as he wasn't himself)
I had a hot shower got into my pjs and chilled out
We watched the movie Legend with Tom Hardy so much eye candy!
Poor little mister Oisín picked up a little tummy bug
and Sunday was spent looking after our little boy
He was off his food and slept for most of the day
we keep giving him plenty of fluids and he
seems so much better today
After Oisín was tucked up in bed
I could relax with a glass of red and
Call The Midwife
Then it was off to bed for an early night
(Or maybe I read one of my library books till 1am!!)

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