Sunday 24 June 2012

20 Shades of Furey!

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without My that would be my Mobile phone, hairbrush, hair clips, make up, lip gloss, tissues, purse, latest book I reading!

2. Favourite brand of makeup
Estee Lauder for foundation I love there double wear its amazing. 

3. Favourite flower
Lillie's and yellow or red roses

4. Favourite clothing store
Topshop, New Look, No Name. Can't beat Pennys (Primark) for bargains.

5. Favourite perfume
D&G Light Blue & Estee Lauder Sensous.

6. Heels or Flats
I am only 5ft 2 so I wear heels alot of the time....going out I tend to wear huge heels that look good but I cant walk in!! I am only a size 2-3 so I find it hard to get shoes that fit me =( I wear pumps alot if I am not going out and bring time in my bag if I on a night out!

7. Do you make good grades
It's been a long time since I was in school but yep I got good grades.

8. Favourite colours
Purple and red.

9. Do you drink energy drinks
Nope hate the smell of them.

10. Do you drink juice
Yes everyday love it so much better for you that fizzy drinks.

11. Can you swim
I can float haha...Paul is trying to teach me...for the last nine years!!

12. Do you eat fries with a fork

13. Favourite moisturiser
Lacura day cream or Olay

14. Do you want to get married later on in life
I am married!!

15. Do you get mad easily
Not really but Paul does know how to push my buttons!

16. Are you into ghost hunting

17. Any phobias
Mice, Spiders and drowning

18. Do you bite your nails
No....but my husband does and its on of my pet hates!

19. Have you ever had a near death experience

20. Do you drink coffee
Yep I would be a crank without my cup in the morning...Paul wakes me up with a nice cup of coffee most mornings :)

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