Tuesday 12 June 2012

Tinnitus, PCOS, And Deciding To Go Back To College....

Perforated Ear Drum & Tinnitus
Over the past ten months I have had a bit of hard luck...three months before we got married I was diagnosed with an perforated eardrum in my left ear. This is when a small hole or rupture happens to the ear drum the normal causes of it are from infection, loud noises, or flying with a bad cold. I already had a perforated eardrum in my left ear and had surgery to repair it in 2005. Unfortunately for me in some cases it can be reoccurring , because I already had surgery my doctors want to wait a few months to see if it might heal on its own.
Due to my illness I was unable to keep my job as it was a Receptionist / PA. Affects of a perforated eardrum are loss of hearing, dizziness due to infection and I also have tinnitus so needless to say I wasn't getting any sleep and couldn't hear people on the switchboard!
Of all the affects of a perforated ear drum Tinnitus is the worst, its like a permanent buzzing or ringing in your ear. When I have an ear infection it gets worse, during the day the symptoms of tinnitus is not too bad but at night is when it really gets me down...imagine at night when everything is silent and just as your about to drop off this loud buzzing in your ears. It's terrible I often get up at all hours of the morning crying in frustration because I cant get to sleep with it. Luckily I was well enough to go on our honeymoon to Mexico. I am still on the waiting list for more surgery for my left ear. Fingers crossed I will get a date soon for my surgery.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
After we got back from honeymoon we decide it was maybe time to start a family!! After a few months of trying with nothing happening we went to the doctors after some tests I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It basically means that I don't ovulate properly, my body doesn't produce enough hormones for my eggs to grown big enough to ovulate. We have a few options, Clomid is one of the fertility drugs that I plan on starting soon. Fingers crossed that it will work in our first few times.
Going Back To College
After we where told that I has PCOS and that getting pregnant was going to take a while I tried to get a part time retail job (a position where my hearing problems wouldn't be to much of an issue) but without any luck. Finally after some long talks. Paul & I agreed that it would be a good option for me to go back to college. So I have applied for a 1 year course to do Counselling & Communications. I will not know until August if I have got a place on the course in September but I really really hope I do as it is something I would love to do as a career.

I will let you know how we get on in all three things in the future xxx

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