Sunday 24 June 2012

Battle of The Bulge - Week 1!

I have being trying to decide for the past couple of days should I share my problems with weight gain on this blog....I have decide I will as it will help me record how I am doing.
Due to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) my body shape has changed alot. One of the many symptoms of PCOS is weight gain with extra weight around the waist. So as a result of that I have gained a stone in weight over the past five/six months....I have gone up almost two dress sizes from a size 10 to a size 14!! Over the weekend I weighted myself and decide that I have to do something about this weight gain, because of the fertility treatments I am starting soon I can't use any slimming products so I will have to do it the old fashioned way diet & exercise!
I will record how I do each week in a weekly post....i.e. what exercise I done, what I ate, the good things and my downfalls of each week. I am going to allow myself one naughty day a week were I can ate what I want, and maybe have a few drinks!
My goal is to lose 10 pounds & be a toned size 12 by September. I have bought myself a killer pair of jeans and would love to fit into them by September! Wish me luck!!

Week 1:

Monday I done two hours of housework that's exercise right? Had a mini BBQ for dinner with one baked potato.
Tuesday: I walked 2km and done 30 minutes exercise at home. Dinner was baked sea bass with baby potatoes, salad and courgettes.
Wednesday: Done water aerobics today...great fun even if I was one of the youngest women there. I also went shopping so covered some ground a guess I walked about 2.5km. Dinner was home-made chicken tikka masala with rice.
Thursday: Paul & I walked 2km and dinner was quick pasta carbonara. I also had a sneaky bottle of cider & a huge piece of chocolate cake! =/
Friday: I walked 2.5km today and done 30 minutes exercise at home. Dinner was pork chops, baby potatoes, courgettes and salad.
Saturday: Today was my naughty day!!! So dinner was steak, homemade chips, onion rings and pepper sauce washed down with a glass of red wine! We went to an engagement party tonight so a few vodka and cranberry was had...maybe a few too many =) No exercise was done..unless you call drunk dancing exercise!
Sunday: Was in a bit of a bad state today...the morning after the night before!! Paul & I walked 2.5km today and dinner was tray baked chicken...(Jamie Oliver style) and potatoes.

The Bad:
- The bottle of cider I had on Thursday!
- The huge piece of chocolate cake I had on Thursday =/
- Ate a lot of carbs this week.
- My legs and feet are aching!
- Walking in the rain =(

The Good:
+ Feeling the benefits of walking already.
+ Not being out of breath when taking the stairs in our apartment!
+ My legs are aching..surely that's a good sign!
+ Getting lots of fresh air...even if its wet air!

Overall I feel good after this week my body is starting to get use to the walking and exercise...hopefully I can keep it up!!!

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