Monday 11 June 2012


Anyone else enjoying the TV series Starlings on SKY One? The more we watch it the more we like it! It took me about two episodes to start to enjoy the show, but now my hubby and I enjoy snuggling up each Sunday night to watch it. Even when we don't get to watch watch it on Sunday we record it and snuggle up to watch it during the week!
The location is my dream location for my home, a dream home and location, a country house, family home, remote and yet close to the village. It reminds me of Paul's family home town Newcastle Co Dublin or near the bigger town of Rathcoole Co Dublin. Their local pub looks a lot like the pubs in Rathcoole and Clondalkin. I really would love there house for Paul & I but for now our little apartment will have to do!!
It's such a heart warming family show but its also very funny, thanks to Loz, Reuben, Gravy and Fergie. Grandad's plots range from very funny to very touching this week's plot was heartbreaking. Needless to say this week was so touching and had me crying like a baby at the end
My secert crush is Brendan Coyle (Terry) who is an wonderful father and husband and yet who's wife Jan (Lesley Sharp) know him to a T!!!
I really hope this family show will be renewed for a next session. Cant wait for the next heart warming, family loving next episode.

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