Thursday 4 December 2014

Christmas Traditions Week 1

Each Thursday I am going to write about the
new and old Christmas traditions
we have done or are going to do that week
Here is week one:

Putting up our decorations

This week we put up our Christmas tree & decorations
I love doing this we waited till Oisín had gone to bed
to start on our tree
Our tree is rather large at 8ft so it's a bit of a big
job and takes around two hours from start to finish
We played soft Christmas carols and had a
glass of Baileys while we decorated.
Oisín's face Sunday morning seeing the
Christmas tree for the first time was classic
He laughed, smiled and then just sat there
looking at it!
This year we even decorated the bathroom
for a bit of fun!

Starting to write and post our Christmas cards
We send alot of Christmas cards we have family in
America, Sweden and the UK
so we have to start early to make sure everything gets
there on time

Watching Christmas movies
Christmas is not Christmas without the movies!
We love all Christmas movies but this year its
fun watching with Oisín and seeing which ones he
likes! So far he likes Elf, Polar Express, Arthur Christmas
and Home Alone!

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