Wednesday 31 December 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Boy Our Little Blip!!

Oisín is 1 year old
He has eight teeth
Is now very fast at bumming along on the floor
Can walk with help from Mammy or Daddy
Speaks alot more words now

How Many Months Old?: 12 Months! Our baby boy is now a little boy!

Weight & Height?: 23.3 pounds in weight and 78cm tall!!

How Is Baby Eating?: Oisín now only has two bottles of milk a day in the morning and before bed at night time. He has weaned off formula more or less himself. He loves his food and feeds himself almost everything.

How Is Baby Sleeping?: After last month of waking alot he is back to his normal routine of sleeping right through the night. He will go to bed at 7pm and wake 7am

Is Baby Crawling or Walking Yet?: He is not crawling but he bums around on the floor, he is  walking while holding on to my hands or along the sofa!

Is Baby Talking Yet?: The same words as last month!

How is Baby's Routine?: It's more or last the same as past months

How is Mammy & Daddy this Month?: We are great really enjoyed our Christmas with our little boy

Worst Moment Of the Month?: None that I can think of!

Best Moment Of the Month?: Waking on the morning of his birthday, and feeling so lucky and blessed 

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