Tuesday 9 December 2014

Oisín's 1st Birthday Party

On Saturday we had an early 1st Birthday party
for Oisín
his birthday is not till the 27th but
we wanted to have it before Christmas so
that we could enjoy it and then focus on Christmas

 Oisín's birthday cake and cupcakes

 The decor and party table

 Oisín's face when he was his
birthday cake and candle!

 With family

 This little guy has such a cheecky face sometimes!!

We had a lovely day
Oisín was so good and loved all the attention
He got so many lovely presents and cards
We had 15 children at the party plus adults
I think next year we might pick a venue to 
have it at 
As it's two days later and my house
still isn't back to normal!!

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