Thursday 26 February 2015

Bump To Baby - Oisín's 14 Month Update

Trashing the house as usual!

Oisín can now walking hold our hand
He loves to babble, talk and sing
He is getting better at walking every day
He now stands up in his cot every morning!
Oisín is now cutting two more top teeth
but still only has two on the bottom!
He has weaned himself off his soother (dummie) (pacifier)
He only takes it at night time
or when he is upset

I going to write a little about Oisín's little personality 
The past few months Oisín has really started to become his own little person
He really enjoys playing by himself, 
if I join in and he doesn't want to play with me
he will put his hand out for me to go away!
He has always be independent but lately he wants to do everything himself
feed himself, play by himself, bum around the house himself!
He also has a little temper and when he doesn't get his own
way he will clench his hands, his face goes red and he screams!
He loves to talk and sing. He sings and hums along to the radio and TV
He has took to carrying a sock around with him
it goes everywhere and even to bed with him at night
Since he has been teething the past month 
he has got more attached to me, follows me
around the house and loves cuddles

How Many Months Old?: 14 months old!

Weight & Height?: 

How Is Oisín Eating?: His eating pattern has been different this month as he is going through a fussy stage, and also a stage of throwing food around everywhere! I know this is normal but I don't like seeing him go from a baby who would eat anything to a toddler who has more food on the floor then in his belly! He still is a good eater and loves blueberry or banana porridge in the morning! New breakfast foods he likes are pancakes, eggs, toast, smoothies and cheerios! 
Dinners are difficult as he is teething it's hard to find a balance to what he will eat
and what is not going to hurt his gums. New foods he likes are rice cakes, roast potatoes, peas (he loves peas), roast chicken, green beans, yorkshire puddings, and he loves stew! 
He has more or less weaning himself off formula milk he has two 4oz bottles one in the morning and the other before bed. During the day he drinks cows milk or water

How Is Oisín Sleeping?: As he is teething, sleeping the past while has been a mix bag! He still goes for a 1-2 hour nap in the day, sometimes he will take two one hour naps during the day. He will go to bed between seven and half past but if he is teething he can wake up to five times a night. Lately he has been going to bed at 7.30pm and waking at 5am! He is still sleeping in a cot at the end of our bed but we are hoping to do up the back bed room in March/April and move the cot into that room then.

Is Oisín Crawling or Walking Yet?: He has never crawled, but he bums around and is very fast at it too! The past few weeks he has finally took an interest in walking he loves to stand, so now he will put his hands out to walk between myself and the sofa. He will also walk holding on to his trolley walker, or when holding myself or hubby's hand.

Is Oisín Talking Yet?: He loves to talk to himself, he loves to mimic all around him. He blows kisses, waves bye, talks into his pretend phone, puts his hands on his head and gives me lots of kisses. He favourite words are baba, dada, bye, mama, wowwo, gone, yeah, tata and hiya! He also love to hum, shout, scream and laugh.

How is Oisín Routine?: Oisín's routine is good he wakes has breakfast, early morning if I am not working we go for a walk, some week days my Mam or hubby have him. Between 10am and 11am he goes for a nap, he will wake around lunchtime and we have lunch, I am normally home from work them. We play, clean and watch TV in the afternoon. Monday we go swimming and Tuesday we go for walks in the park. Then its dinner time and at the moment Oisín loves to throw all his dinner over himself or on the floor! Every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday is bath day and he loves to play in the bath with his toys, then its a bottle and bed all done normally by 7.30pm

How is Mammy & Daddy this Month?: I am good tired but good! Slightly struggling to find a good balance between work, teething baby and then housework but trying my best. Hubby and I are good after a night out for his birthday this month that we really needed. Then having a bit more couple time on Valentines night. We are going to try have a date night at least one a month from now on.

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