Monday 27 October 2014

Bump To Baby - He's Here - 10 Month Update

He plays peek a boo now!
When in his walker he can open the washing machine door!
He also opens cupboard doors!
Oisin can now stand on his own when holding on to something!

How Many Months Old?: 10 Months! Can't really believe my baby boy is 10 Months old!

Weight & Height?: Not sure but Oisín is now in all 18 month clothes!

How Is Baby Eating?: On and off again this month due to teething, some days he will be great and eat everything other days he only drinks bottles. He is feeding himself more and really likes it, he is very independent and likes to do things himself.

How Is Baby Sleeping?: Sleeping is a bit like eating at the moment some nights are great, others not so much due to teething. Normally he goes to bed at 7pm and sleeps right through till 7am. On a bad teething day he will fall asleep around 6/6.30pm and wake up through the night, then wake around 5am for the day!

Is Baby Crawling or Walking Yet?: Still no sign of crawling at all, he goes on his belly and gets into crawling position then......nothing! He does like standing and has started to put himself up to his knees in his cot!

Is Baby Talking Yet?: He is he can say Dada, Mama, baba, Nana, and egg! New words this month are yeah, Daddy and boo!

How is Baby's Routine?: It's the same as past months

How is Mammy & Daddy this Month?: We are good this month, getting more time as a couple and looking forward to planning Oisín's first birthday party!

Worst Moment Of the Month?: Last week when Oisín was cutting another tooth and woke at 4am. I was like a zombie for the day!

Best Moment Of the Month?: When he stood on the back of the sofa on his own cause he wanted to look out the living room window!

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