Wednesday 1 October 2014

What I Ate Wednesday

The past few days have been a little hectic
here in the Furey Follies household
Oisín has decided that he no long sleeps
past 5.30am and with work being busy
and trying to cover people on sick leave
I am a little all over the place when it comes to food
still trying to eat well and proper meals

Breakfast 7am:
Breakfast today was two weetabix
with half a banana with warm skimmed milk
a tall glass of water with lemon

Oisín had one weetabix with the other half
of my banana. I make this with warm water
and one scoop of milk formula. Oisín also
had a 4oz bottle after breakfast

Snacks 11.30am:
Oisín had some sliced apple for snacks today
but didn't seem to like it as he didn't eat
much of it
I had an apple in work with a
berocca boost!

Lunch 1pm:
Lunch for me today was a
ham and cheese toastie on wholemeal bread
with some crisps and a coffee

Oisín's lunch today was half a jar of pork casserole 
from Heinz and a yogurt. He had water with
this and an hour later had a 4oz bottle

Dinner 5.30am:
For my dinner today I had homemade chilli with
boiled rice with a glass of milk

Oisín had left over Sunday dinner which I froze
on Sunday. It was potatoes, green beans, pork
and gravy. He has this with some water
and later a 4oz bottle before bed.

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