Tuesday 7 October 2014

Mini Primark/Pennys Haul

I was back in Primark/Pennys
for an early start on Christmas presents
I am really am loving their Autumn/Winter collection
So I couldn't help but pick up some things
for my wardrobe!

Soft denim bootcut jeans €10
I don't normal buy my jeans in Pennys but
I tried these on and really liked the fit
and at €10 these are a bargain
Will be picking up more of these soon!  

Peach long sleeve top €3
I really like these for working out or under cardigans 

Blue long sleeve top €3

Flower patterning leggings €4
Another wardrobe stable

Black leggings €4

Long grey cardigan €12
Another stable which I love I have wore this
lots of times since I bought it! 

Oatmeal coat €30
The main reason I went to Pennys
was to get a Winter coat
I found this one its really nice on
with a comfortable hood! It will be
great for work

 I got these overdoor hooks as I never seem to have enough
storage! These were €2

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