Tuesday 28 October 2014

Candle Haul!

Autumn is here and I start to light candles again!
With moving home and it being Summer
I haven't been lighting alot of candles but
now I have stocked up again
For me there is nothing better than to
draw the curtains and light a candle or two
while watching a good drama or movie
To run a hot bubble bath, put on some soft
music and light a few candles
Turn the lights down low and light a couple of
candles while eating dinner
Or even light a few twinkling candles
while eating breakfast on a misty grey morning!
So here are a few candles I stocked up on recently

The first two candles I got was
Yankee Candle Waikki Melon
I really like this scent
It's a really fruity scent
with a strong fragrance of melon and sweet orange
It reminded me of tropical holidays
and a cocktail I drank alot of
on my honeymoon to Mexico!
This candle throws scent really well
I will definitely be buying this again

The next medium size candle
was Cashel Living Vanilla
This candle threw scent very quickly
It was a creamy vanilla scent which
I love to burn in my living room
while relaxing
I really like this candle and will
buy this one again too!

The next candle was
Yankee Candle Sicilian Lemon
This one is a very fresh tart lemon
but I was disappointed at how the
scent threw, it disappeared quickly
After a few days of burning it
the scent was more or less gone
Not sure I will buy this one again

I also bought
Yankee Candle Vanilla Chai
This is my Autumn scent for this year!
It sums up Autumn for me
Its basically vanilla mixed with tea and
cinnamon spices

Last candle for my haul is
Yankee Candle Fireside Treats
I love this candle fast becoming one of my favourites
It a sweet smelling candling without becoming to sickly
I will buying this one again

So that rounds up my candle haul
What are your favourites?

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