Monday 22 October 2012

Battle of the Bulge Is Back!! - Week 14

Battle of The Bulge is back! I needed a break from it for a while but in the few week I have lost a few pounds and am back into my size 12 clothes yipee!! I have been walking every day but haven't been to the gym at all! I am back swimming and enjoying it. I am putting less pressure on myself to lose weight and am just trying to stay fit. Its also Autumn/winter so I am back to the clothes that I love and I once again now what to wear and what suits my figure. I am back in the hospital in two weeks so I will have to wait and see what new treatments the doctors will put me on and if it will have any affects on my weight.
Week 14:
Monday:I got a taxi to work it was raining really bad! I also got a lift home so no walking for me today! Dinner was left over chicken from Sunday with chips. I went swimming this evening!

Tuesday: I walked to the bus stop for to and from work today so a 5km walk in total. Dinner was a homemade green Thai chicken curry with rice. The past few weeks I do not eat past eight o clock in the evening.

Wednesday: Another 5km walk today. Dinner was pasta bake with sausages and parma ham.

Thursday: Today was my day off from work so I walked to my parents house a 9km walk...not used to it anymore so was a bit wore out when I got there! Dinner was pork chops, mash potatoes and fresh carrots.

Friday: A 7km walk to work today!! Dinner was a cheeky fish & chips from the chipper!!

Saturday: We went down to the in-laws to say happy birthday to the Mammy-in law. Dinner was homemade bun-burger and chips with a couple of glasses of rose.

Sunday: We went Christmas present shopping today. Dinner was lovely chicken breast wrapped in parma ham, with stuffing, mash potatoes and roast vegetables washed down with a couple of glasses of red wine and Downton Abbey!!

Thats my first week back with Battle of the Bulge! I going to keep going for the next couple of weeks until my hospital appointment and see what they say about my next treatment etc

1 comment:

  1. Well done you on all that walking! i need to get serious about my diet, i think it's what is making me tired all the time.
    And yay you've been christmas shopping too lol.


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