Wednesday 10 October 2012

Love / Hate!


* Timing a bus and it never coming - standing around a an hour on a bus that was meant to come 45 minutes ago. It really really annoys me!
* People who do nothing in work - while other people do everything...this really gets on my nerves and it happening allot at the moment.
* When people push past you at the bus stop when getting on the bus - this happened to me the other day I was the first person at the bus stop and yet the last person to get on the bus!
* When you feel rich when you get paid - but by the end of pay day your broke again!
* People with no manners - it costs nothing to be nice.
* Having a nice bubble bath after a long day - I love this light a few candle, put some soft music on, run a bubble bath and relax!
* I am cooking and baking allot more - due to inspiration from Nigella Lawson and The Great British Bake off!
* Curling up on the sofa with the hubby after a long day!
* Maggie Smith In Downtown Abbey - Her lines are just pure magic!
* Sarah Brightman's new song Angel - It means so much to me already reminds me of my brother.
* Pukka Tea - I have just discovered this tea due to a lovely lady in work and I love it. Can't to discover all the different flavors.
What are you loving and hating this week?


  1. I agree with all of your hates lol, great loves too!
    I'm hating playing the waiting game it's really unfair, everything going wrong one after another why does that always happen?, fake friends who pretend to be there but talk about you behind your back,people treating me differently because i am younger and feeling used at work and by friends. I'm loving autumn days, seeing all the christmas stock coming out in the shops gets me excited, hugs from nathan making me feel warm and safe, spending time with my true friends, acting silly with others to help cheer up and watching christmas vid's on youtube :)

  2. Thanks Vanessa your comments always make me smile... I agree with all your love/hates too. Love that your loving the Christmas build up too xxx


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