Friday 12 October 2012

Our Roast Chicken Recipe Help From Nigella & Gordon!

This is our recipe for a lovely roast chicken with a twist. Roast chicken with lovely roast leeks and mixed peppers. I saw the original recipe on Nigella Lawson's new show you can have a look at allot of her recipes here at we made a twist using some things from a Gordon Ramsay recipe which you can find here So here is The Furey Follies take on a Nigella & Gordan roast chicken.

Ingredients you will need for this are: A good quality chicken we use a small chicken as there where only the two of us for dinner! Two mixed pepper any colour but we like yellow and red peppers, six cloves of garlic, chorizo, two large leeks, olive oil, salt and pepper. 
 Chop up the peppers & leeks put most in a large roasting tray with the chicken but keep some in a little bowl to stuff the chicken later.
Fry chorizo in pan for five minutes 
 Now stuff the chicken with the left over leeks,chorizo & peppers. 
Put the chorizo juice/oil over the chicken and put the rest of the chorizo in with the leeks and peppers with 3 cloves of garlic. Put in oven for an hour and 15 minutes at Gas mark 5 or 180c.
My Roast Potatoes with dried mixed herbs & 3 cloves of garlic put in oven for 40 minutes for lovely roast potatoes
The Chicken when cook and resting.
The finished result it was yummy....Bone Appetite
 Let me know if you try this and if you like it.


  1. Wow, yum! Anything with mixed peppers and chorizo is a winner in my book.

  2. Thanks for your lovely comment I love your blog thanks for taking to time to check out ours x


Thanks for the comment Paul & I really appreciate them.

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Thanks The Furey Follies


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