Monday 29 October 2012

Battle of the Bulge - Week 15

Week 15

Monday: I got a taxi to work after waking up late!! Nightmare rushing to work while just having a breakfast bar for breakfast! I got the bus home from work but I did walk 3km to the bus stop! Diner was a lovely home made curry and I was so hungry from no breakfast I had second helpings!

Tuesday: I got the bus to work so it was a 4km walk to the bus stop I was off work at 2pm so I went to my parents for dinner this evening as Paul was working late. Dinner was oven baked fish, with green beans and mash potatoes. Mam made a lovely cheese cake for pudding and it was yummy! I got a taxi home curtsey of my lovely parents.

Wednesday: I was on the late shift at work today and so was Paul. I walked to the bus stop so another 4km walk! I made a hot BLT for my dinner/supper today.

Thursday: Today was my day off work today. So I walked down to the swimming pool which was a 5km walk and went for a hour swim. Spent the rest of the day cleaning the apartment! Dinner was red pepper, sweetcorn, chili, chorizo pasta-bake which I will blog about soon!

Friday: It was a fresh cold morning so I walked the 7km to work. After a long head wrecking day in work I walked the 2km to the bus stop and also picked up a bottle of wine to have after a long hellish day at work! We where bold tonight and had pizza and onion rings for dinner!

Saturday: Today was mostly spent getting ready for our friends fancy dress 30th tonight! I did make a lovely beef casserole for dinner. Then it was off out for our friend's fancy dress 30th birthday so dancing and drinks was had!

Sunday: Was such a lazy day I spent the extra hour in bed! Dinner was a Chinese takeout and it was yummy washed down with a couple of glasses of white wine!

I am happy with this week I am not putting and pressure on myself but I am trying to eat healthy and trying to keep fit!

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