Wednesday 30 September 2015

Happy Birthday Mammy!

Happy Birthday to the most strongest, bravest, caring, wonderful person I know, 
you have taught me so much and I am still learning how to be a good person from you. 
If I am half the Mammy and person you are I will be happy. 
Oisín adores you and you him xx Love you so much Happy Birthday from us xxx

Monday 28 September 2015

Slimming World Meal Plan Monday

Since I started Slimming World I really try to plan out
our family dinners for the week.
I do try stick to the Slimming World plan I am quite strict about it
even though sometimes Paul does want to eat something off plan
I try make good choices if having a takeout or going out for a meal
Now that Oisín is in daycare three days out of the week he gets his dinner there
It has made him less fussy and he now loves chicken curry!
Here is our meal plan for the week

Monday: Slimming World Chicken Curry (we add chickpeas to bulk it out) with boiled rice

Tuesday: Mammy is going to teach how to make an Irish Beef Stew (this will be a cross between and Irish & Slimming World stew) 

Wednesday: Beef Stew leftovers with Mash Potatoes

Thursday: Slimming World Taco Fries (this is our favourite!)

Friday: Steak with Slimming World Chips

Saturday: We are having friends over so we are going to try the
Slimming World Pizza topped Chicken  

Sunday: Roast Beef Sunday Lunch
all the trimmings with Slimming World Oxo Roasties 

Over The Weekend #3

We had a busy little weekend
filled with housework, visits to our parents,
date time for us and rugby!

 Caught this little cutie doing this with his sun glasses
so of course we had do a......


Saturday we done alot of house work in the morning
Haven't got the Halloween decorations down just yet
Then Paul surprised me by telling me we where going to
the cinema and dinner. He had arranged for Oisín to spent the
day with his Nanny B & Grandad Eddie
We had a lovely date day!

 Oisín having fun after Sunday Lunch for
my Mam's Birthday 

 We spent the afternoon in front of the
telly watching drink tea and eating...
Birthday cupcakes!
Oisín really enjoyed his one!! 

We finished off the weekend with bubbles and Downton Abbey

Monday 21 September 2015

Our The Weekend #2

Our weekend was filled with sport, TV and food!

 After a LONG week in work I was so looking forward
to this nice glass of wine while watching Star Wars on Friday night!

Paul and Oisín went off to visit friends on Saturday
so I listened to 80's music while doing the house work!

 We had a yummy Sunday lunch in my parents
my Mam makes a fab Sunday dinner 

 Father and Son watching the All Ireland GAA final

 Then it was home Oisín was bathed, candles where lit, heating on
and prosecco poured ready for Downton Abbey

It's back and bitter sweet what I am going to do
when this is over?

Friday 18 September 2015

Our Favourite Autumn TV Shows

I love Autumn TV (I love Autumn in general!)
but I just love all the great TV shows that start back in the
Autumn time. I love after a long day lighting candles
with a glass of wine, cup of tea or hot chocolate
drawing the curtains putting the fairy lights on and
settling down to my favourite shows

Downton Abbey
I have made no secret about loving Downton Abbey
and have wrote about it a few times on this blog
I am so looking forward to this starting again on Sunday
especially as now the hubby really like it too,
but it will be bitter sweet as this is the last ever series
Will Mary find love? Will Carson and Hughes marry? Will poor Edith ever get a break? Will Anna and Bates have a child? Will Downton close it's doors for good? We will find out over the next couple of weeks!

The Walking Dead
From gentle costume drama to zombies!
I didn't start watching this show till last year when Paul
finally persuaded me to watch it. I binged on the first four series
and couldn't wait for series five, but to be honest I was disappointed
with series five while there was a few amazing episodes the season felt rushed
with a lots of filler episodes. I am hoping this season will be better with the
return of fan favourite Morgan, plus anything with Norman Reedus in it is a bonus!

Vikings we got into this over the summer while some channels
were airing re-runs. It took me a while to get into it we are just finished season two and now Irish channel RTE is airing season three before season four starts on History in the Spring
It's all filmed in Ireland with a mix for European and American actors. The show is about Viking Ragnar Lothbrok who is frustrated by the policies of his local chieftain who sends his Viking raiders east to the Baltic states but Ragnar wants to head west to the rich Britain. I am really enjoying this show and the acting is really good too!

The Great British Bake Off
I love this show I haven't done much baking this year
as I am following Slimming World diet but I still like to drool over the cakes
and Paul Hollywood!!

Another show that Paul got me watching and I was hooked after an
episode or two! This is a retelling of the Batman story with the show starting off when Bruce Wayne's parents are killed. The first half of the first season was more of a cop show with the focus on cop team Jim Gordan and Harvey Bullock solving the crime problem in Gotham. I felt like the story shifted in the second half of the season with us seeing more of the origins of the Batman villains, like Catwoman, The Joker, The Riddler and The Penguin

We love this show and have been watching since the first season
It's so much fun and we do laugh so much at each episode
On paper it sounds stupid watching people watch telly but it's so much more than that
and we have got to know the varies families The Tapper family, The Michael family and The Malones our favourites are The Moffatt especially Scarlet she is so funny, Leon and June, Chris and Stephen, and Steph and Dom

The Flash
Another comic show you can tell my hubby is a bit of a geek but that's okay cause it's cool now!
I like this not as much as Gotham but Paul loves it! This season was about Barry Allen who's mother was killed aged 11 and his Father was blamed and sent to prison. Now Barry works in the crime lab but a freak accident makes him The Flash which gives him the power of super speed he uses his power to fight crime! It's a good show but a little cheesy at times!

So these are the shows we are looking forward to returning after the summer break but there are also some new shows I am looking forward to watching this Autumn/Winter like The Muppets it will bring me straight back to my childhood! ITV's remake of Jekyll and Hyde and Scream Queens
What will you be watching over the Autumn or Winter?

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Currently I Am:

Currently I Am:

Listening To:

My favourite band ever sing my favourite album ever!
Just look at that cover even before you hear the songs you
just know it's going to be good!
I loveeeeee this album and dance around the house with
Oisín listening to it!

Strong coffee after a few days of a poorly toddler
I need it!

Over sized warm jumper, skinny jeans
and these boots!

It to be pay day again!
Need to start the Christmas shopping!

Sleep as I currently feel like this!

Watching this little beautiful boy

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Small September Primark/Pennys Haul

I went back into Pennys/Primark last week
to pick up a few things for myself to add
to my Autumn wardrobe!

Firstly I needed some new shoes
The peach/pink pumps were €6 reduced to €1 in sale!
The tan boots were €19 I have been wanting a pair for ages
so I was happy to pay that for them

Leather effect cropped jacket this was only €14
It might fall apart after a couple of months but I don't mind
I only want it for the Autumn months anyway!
It is quite a small fit so I would recommend going up a
size if buying it

Sorry for the colour of this picture my phone is about to give up the fight and die
so the camera went crazy!
Just some random bits:
Strap vest top €2.50
Three pair of black tights €3
Straight leg jeans €8
Black leggings €4
Denim jeggings €8

Lastly I really liked this grey stripped Jumper
(sorry again picture isn't great)
It has a zip detail all down the back of the jumper
It's really over size and soft which I love it was €12

So that's it for now but will be back in Penny's/Primark
again in October for another haul!

Monday 14 September 2015

Over The Weekend #1

This weekend wasn't a busy one 
Paul was in work for the whole weekend
so Oisín and I spent it walking in the park,
watching Disney movies, doing house work and

A Slimming World friendly Saturday breakfast!

After a Saturday morning of housework
I treated Oisín to Burger King
I was very good and had a diet sprite
while Oisín tucked into chicken nuggets and chips!

How Oisín watched our Saturday afternoon
movie Up!

Someone fell asleep at 11am Sunday morning after a 6am wake up!

Oisín and I went on a lovely long Sunday walk
in the park and got back just before the rain!

Finished the weekend off with chocolate cake
and ice cream while catching up on Gogglebox!

Saturday 12 September 2015

Oisín's Bedroom Tour

My little boy has moved from our bedroom into his very own room!
He loves his little room and like with everything else he took to
it like a duck to water, slept through the whole night and hasn't been in our room or bed since!
His room isn't finished I am always adding to it and re arranging
but the colour scheme is orange and green and the theme is woodland animals
Here is a little tour but I will do one again when it's finished!

 Oisín's little book shelf
He loves bedtime stories and he like to look through the pages himself
I really like the Adam's Cloud books by Benji Bennett
The stories are beautiful and I was get a lump in my throat reading them to Oisín

A little shelf for a little man!
More books on this shelf
The very first book we bought Oisín Guess How Much I Love You
His children's bible is also kept on this shelf along with a little trinket
of a little boy that was once my great aunts, then my brother's and now Oisín's

His moon night light that he likes on when we read
bedtime stories or if he is a little unsettled at night

We have little pictures like this dotted around his
room along with the pregnancy scans
of him

We are not finished his little room and I will
do an update soon when we are finished
but it's starting to become a lovely space
for a lovely little boy!

Friday 11 September 2015

My Weight Loss Journey

Where to start on this one!? Since having our beautiful little boy almost two years ago
I haven't been happy with my weight. I gained almost two stone when pregnant on Oisín 
and by the time I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes the damaged had been done!
Last year I lacked the motivation to do anything about my weight and actually gained another half a stone, so by this summer I was so unhappy about to go on holidays with a suitcase of clothes that didn't fit me!
Then I realised my best friends wedding was in two months and I couldn't fit into my bridesmaids dress!! I knew I had to do something, I could either comfort eating everything in sight or actually do something about.
So I took to the gym, done spinning classes, aqua fit and walking but with having PCOS I lose weight slowly I knew I need something to help me along and give me a boost.
So I decided to give the Forever Aloe Vera 9 day detox a go. I am not going to lie it was hard the first few days when you can't eat but drink the aloe vera gel and shakes is awful but knowing I had a goal at the end gave me so much motivation. I wanted to walk down that aisle holding my little boy's hand on my best friend's big day feeling and looking good in my bridesmaid's dress!
In the nine day's I lost just under a stone and was down 7inchs in my waist! I was thrilled the morning of the wedding my dress fitted perfect and I felt amazing

Afterwards I knew I didn't want to put the weight back on and
wanted to keep the feel good factor of losing weight. So my friend and I decided to officially join
Slimming World. I had been making Slimming World meals for a while but never went to join a group or was never on plan before. I am loving slimming world and find the meals delicious and the plan really easy to follow. I love going to group, meeting new people, sharing ideas, recipes and stories. So far in Slimming World I have lost 7lbs and am fitting into clothes that haven't fit me since Oisín was born! I am loving going clothes shopping again and am slowly becoming me again!

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Primark/Pennys Haul!!

After a miserable day yesterday of being sick and
Oisín teething I decided some retail therapy was needed
and went on a trip to pennys!
Oisín needed some Autumn/Winter clothes
so this haul is all for him!

 Firstly this monster grey sweater his was €7
Mummy's Super Hero long sleeve top €2
Move It Digger long sleeve top €2

He also need some new nightwear items
Two pack of Space themed pyjamas €8
Three pack of Dino theme sleepsuits €10
The one thing I do notice about Primark/Pennys sleepwear is there a small size
these are both 24/36 months and they fit Oisín

I really love this little Autumn outfit!
Striped grey & white jumper €7
Jeans €5

 Oisín starts day care on Wednesday
so he needed a new bag pack and beaker
Spiderman bag pack €8
Spiderman beaker €3

We always seem to need jogging bottoms for Oisín he goes through so many
these are great value two pack €7
so I got navy and grey, and blue and red!

Not a great picture but I also got
Oisín a winter coat
Blue with lining on the inside
Fleece hood and fur on collar
lovely coat for €14

Lastly a few essentials five pack of socks €3
two park of mittens €1
Cute winter hat €3

So that's my little boy haul
Hopefully will get myself something next time!

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