Friday 11 September 2015

My Weight Loss Journey

Where to start on this one!? Since having our beautiful little boy almost two years ago
I haven't been happy with my weight. I gained almost two stone when pregnant on Oisín 
and by the time I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes the damaged had been done!
Last year I lacked the motivation to do anything about my weight and actually gained another half a stone, so by this summer I was so unhappy about to go on holidays with a suitcase of clothes that didn't fit me!
Then I realised my best friends wedding was in two months and I couldn't fit into my bridesmaids dress!! I knew I had to do something, I could either comfort eating everything in sight or actually do something about.
So I took to the gym, done spinning classes, aqua fit and walking but with having PCOS I lose weight slowly I knew I need something to help me along and give me a boost.
So I decided to give the Forever Aloe Vera 9 day detox a go. I am not going to lie it was hard the first few days when you can't eat but drink the aloe vera gel and shakes is awful but knowing I had a goal at the end gave me so much motivation. I wanted to walk down that aisle holding my little boy's hand on my best friend's big day feeling and looking good in my bridesmaid's dress!
In the nine day's I lost just under a stone and was down 7inchs in my waist! I was thrilled the morning of the wedding my dress fitted perfect and I felt amazing

Afterwards I knew I didn't want to put the weight back on and
wanted to keep the feel good factor of losing weight. So my friend and I decided to officially join
Slimming World. I had been making Slimming World meals for a while but never went to join a group or was never on plan before. I am loving slimming world and find the meals delicious and the plan really easy to follow. I love going to group, meeting new people, sharing ideas, recipes and stories. So far in Slimming World I have lost 7lbs and am fitting into clothes that haven't fit me since Oisín was born! I am loving going clothes shopping again and am slowly becoming me again!

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