Friday 18 September 2015

Our Favourite Autumn TV Shows

I love Autumn TV (I love Autumn in general!)
but I just love all the great TV shows that start back in the
Autumn time. I love after a long day lighting candles
with a glass of wine, cup of tea or hot chocolate
drawing the curtains putting the fairy lights on and
settling down to my favourite shows

Downton Abbey
I have made no secret about loving Downton Abbey
and have wrote about it a few times on this blog
I am so looking forward to this starting again on Sunday
especially as now the hubby really like it too,
but it will be bitter sweet as this is the last ever series
Will Mary find love? Will Carson and Hughes marry? Will poor Edith ever get a break? Will Anna and Bates have a child? Will Downton close it's doors for good? We will find out over the next couple of weeks!

The Walking Dead
From gentle costume drama to zombies!
I didn't start watching this show till last year when Paul
finally persuaded me to watch it. I binged on the first four series
and couldn't wait for series five, but to be honest I was disappointed
with series five while there was a few amazing episodes the season felt rushed
with a lots of filler episodes. I am hoping this season will be better with the
return of fan favourite Morgan, plus anything with Norman Reedus in it is a bonus!

Vikings we got into this over the summer while some channels
were airing re-runs. It took me a while to get into it we are just finished season two and now Irish channel RTE is airing season three before season four starts on History in the Spring
It's all filmed in Ireland with a mix for European and American actors. The show is about Viking Ragnar Lothbrok who is frustrated by the policies of his local chieftain who sends his Viking raiders east to the Baltic states but Ragnar wants to head west to the rich Britain. I am really enjoying this show and the acting is really good too!

The Great British Bake Off
I love this show I haven't done much baking this year
as I am following Slimming World diet but I still like to drool over the cakes
and Paul Hollywood!!

Another show that Paul got me watching and I was hooked after an
episode or two! This is a retelling of the Batman story with the show starting off when Bruce Wayne's parents are killed. The first half of the first season was more of a cop show with the focus on cop team Jim Gordan and Harvey Bullock solving the crime problem in Gotham. I felt like the story shifted in the second half of the season with us seeing more of the origins of the Batman villains, like Catwoman, The Joker, The Riddler and The Penguin

We love this show and have been watching since the first season
It's so much fun and we do laugh so much at each episode
On paper it sounds stupid watching people watch telly but it's so much more than that
and we have got to know the varies families The Tapper family, The Michael family and The Malones our favourites are The Moffatt especially Scarlet she is so funny, Leon and June, Chris and Stephen, and Steph and Dom

The Flash
Another comic show you can tell my hubby is a bit of a geek but that's okay cause it's cool now!
I like this not as much as Gotham but Paul loves it! This season was about Barry Allen who's mother was killed aged 11 and his Father was blamed and sent to prison. Now Barry works in the crime lab but a freak accident makes him The Flash which gives him the power of super speed he uses his power to fight crime! It's a good show but a little cheesy at times!

So these are the shows we are looking forward to returning after the summer break but there are also some new shows I am looking forward to watching this Autumn/Winter like The Muppets it will bring me straight back to my childhood! ITV's remake of Jekyll and Hyde and Scream Queens
What will you be watching over the Autumn or Winter?

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