Wednesday 20 April 2016

On The Box This Week

Warning-TV Spoilers Ahead!

I am  hoping that something picks up soon with this season of Arrow
it is really lacking IMO this season. The Oliver/Felicity story line is being dragged
out and now Felicity has a miracle cure so she can walk again. She has found out about Oliver's secret son and called off there engagement. Either let these two have there happy ending or move on from this couple. I know of course the writers will drag this story line out just like the annoying flashbacks!
Cupid is back in Star City and killing couples who are about to get married. The team have to work quickly, staging a secret wedding for Oliver and Felicity to trick her. Laurel is in court working on getting Damien Darhk into prison. Her father decides to give evidence against Darhk although he knows his police career will be over if he does so and Felicity decides to leave the group for good.

What a beautiful first episode of season two!
It was stunning right down to the touch of the title song being sung in French!
I have read the books so know the plot twists but it was good to see the look on hubby's face because he didn't! Major spoilers here so you have been warned!
At the start of the episode we knew something bad has happened as Claire screams and cries
She is back in the 1940's but we don't know why, she meets her husband Frank in hospital
Poor Frank he has lost his wife for two years and now she is back in 18th century clothes, talking about a new Scottish husband, how all she sees is Black Jack when she looks at him and she's pregnant!
Yes pregnant with a dead man's baby! A lot to take in the first 30 minutes of the show!
This is done slightly different than the books but the shock is still there for the viewer. I loved how differently from the books we get to see Frank's reaction at having Claire home and pregnant. I really enjoyed the interaction between Frank and Reverend Wakefield and Claire and Mrs Graham
The acting was outstanding Caitriona Balfe and Tobias Menzies deserve Emmy nominations for this episode alone!
Franks decides to take Clare back who he loves more than life, he believes her story about time travelling he doesn't know how or why but he believes her and will raise the child as his own.
But she has to agree to no more research on the Jacobite war and how Jamie died. She knows she has to let the pass go and agrees to go to Boston with Frank where he has been offered a job.
As she steps of the plane in American she has flash backs to 18th century France
and arriving in France with Jamie to set about stopping the Jacobite war.
I can't wait for the next episode!

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