Wednesday 24 August 2016

My Tips For Potty Training!

We have been potty training almost two full weeks now
By no means am I an expert! We still have accidents, we still go through at least two pairs of pants a day, but we are getting there! Oisìn no longer uses a potty but a toddler toilet seat on our toilet which we can take off and bring with us when we go out. He normally tells me when he needs the toilet but can get carried away when playing and forgets! We have had days out and he has been great but the big test will be seeing how he gets on in daycare this week!
These are the big tips that helped me out when starting potty training Oisìn

Every Child Is Different
I learned this pretty quickly when becoming a parent and it's no different when potty training. Every child is different some might not learn in three days to potty train, some might take weeks. Some might love using the potty, some will only just the big toilet. Some might go the poo straight away, some might hold it until they can't anymore! Some might like bribes some mightn't need it, so don't compare your child to anyone else and just let them be themselves

Make Sure Your Child Is Ready
I learned the hard way with this we tried Oisìn at the start of May with the potty and he HATED it!
He just wasn't ready and we had two days of crying and weeing until we decided he just wasn't ready. We then looked for signs like he would leave the room or go to a corner to poo! He wanted to be changed straight after a poo or big wee! He then started to show a little interest when we where going to the toilet.
This tip is a big one for me because there is no point to try potty training if the child isn't ready

Patience Is A Virtue
Some children learn to use the potty is three days, Oisìn took a little longer than that! In totally it's been around two weeks for him to master the toilet. He much prefers to use the toddler toilet seat than the potty and thankfully took to doing poo in the toilet not a problem. Don't get me wrong he still has accidents when he forgets he needs a wee when playing with friends or toys. Just be patience and don't rush....patience is definitely the key

Naked Time
Sun out bum out!! Setting time for Oisìn to be in his buff really did help him learn to use the potty. At the start of the Summer we started setting aside naked time for Oisìn before bath and bed time, we slowly introduced the potty and weeing in the big toilet.

Praise You Baby
It's all about the praise when it comes to Oisìn not just with potty training but he loves to be praised when he tries anything new. High fives, big hugs, well dones, and good jobs and his face lights up!
When he started using the toddler potty seat on the big toilet we piled on the praise so much so he hasn't looked back and has started going into the toilet himself and just asks for help with his pants!

Bribe That Child
Stickers and Jellies is what Oisìn gets if he goes his toilet when we are out and about!
It can be nerve wrecking going out with a toddler when potty training, images of wet clothes and poos on the floor come to mind! In fairness this only happened once in the car on the way out with Oisìn! He has been very good when out while potty training, that is mainly because he knows if he tells us he needs to go the toilet when we are out he either gets a sticker or two jellies!!

Be Prepared
My last tip is be prepared when leaving the house, at least four pairs of pants, and three changes of clothes. My handbag has been switched for a large tote bag filled with stickers, jellies. underpants, wipes, tissues, hand sanitiser, small sanitised bags and a toddler toilet seat!!! Oh the glamour!!

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