Sunday 20 November 2016

20 Signs Christmas Is On It's Way!

1. Christmas movie channels have been added to you TV package....although you have seen them all hundreds of times you still get that warm feeling when you watch them

2. The sudden need to buy lots more Christmas decorations even though the house looked like Santa's grotto last year!

3. Christmas music channels and fighting the urge to blast Slade all over the house although it's only November and what will people say!!

4. You start watching TV ads just to catch the big stores latest Christmas offerings, its the only time of the year when the ads are better than the actually shows!

5. Counting down the weekends till The Late Late Toy Show is on!

6. Going to coffee shops every day because you want to try every festive coffee on the menu and of course Instagram it too!

7. Every advent calendar you see you buy, because you know you can never enough advent calender's!

8. Spending a small fortune on festive scented candles because you can never have enough candles at Christmas!

9. You start adding random bits to your weekly food shop, bread, milk, chocolate orange, cranberry sauce, crackers, after eights and bucks fizz please!

10. Every non-alcoholic drink suddenly has alcoholic added to it, baileys hot chocolate, coffee with rum, apple cider, and of course mulled wine!

11.  The festive lights have been turned on in town!

12. You start watching Gold because you want to watch every Christmas TV special EVER!

13. You seem to have a social event every weekend from now till Christmas day!

14. Your monthly TBR for December is just Christmas books
(maybe this is just me)

15. Matching festive pyjamas for you, hubby and kids is a real thing!

16. Christmas FM will soon by playing over the airwaves in Ireland...yipeee

17. Bank balances start to get smaller and smaller!

18.  Panto's are every where! All the soap stars are in Pantos all over Ireland and UK 

19. The nearer it gets to Christmas the more your inner Buddy The Elf comes out
first we will have hot chocolate, then ice skating then six hours of waiting in line to see Santa
can't wait!

20. You don't care what people say it's never to early to get into the Christmas spirit! 

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